Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stash Stitching In 2013

It has been forever since I updated this blog. Life had thrown many changes our way, and I'm finally back on track to enjoying stitching and life and general. The last three years have been difficult, and with those difficulties, I put aside my stitching - actually all crafting in general and just escaped reality through books. I guess it's what I needed at the time. Now it's time to get back to work on those poor pieces that have been hiding in boxes for the last 3 years (or more).

2013 is the year for stash stitching for me. No purchases except for the occasional thread or bead that I may run out of while stitching a WIP. In fact, I've joined along with others on the Abstinence/Celibate Wagon and have committed to a year of stitching without buying new stash. My project list is as follows:

My UFO/WIPS List (starting with 38 in '13)

Art Ventures Old Sentinel - 15%
Bent Creek - Snappers (12 w/border) - 12 completed plus 1/3 of the border
Carriage House Samplings - The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
Cross Stitch & Country Crafts North Woods Stocking
Crossed Wing Collection Hummingbird Garden 35%
Curtis Boehringer Needlewomans Murder Mystery
Dawna Barton - Dinner Call - 60%
Diane Arthurs Happy Everything - 60%
DMC The White Bindweed Fairy - 15% - found mistake must rip
Dimensions - A Bird For All Seasons - 5%
Dimensions - Magic In Motion - 5%
Dimensions - Wolf Portrait
 - 65%
Drawn Thread Miniature Reversible Sampler
Drawn Thread - Winter Spot - 10%
French Calendar free weekly - 23 of 52 finished
Hearts Delight Noahs Ark Kit50%
Helga Mandl and Barbara Ana - Mystery Sampler - 45%
Just Cross Stitch 2001 Ornament Issue Cinnamon Bear 70%
Just Nan First Stitches
Just Nan Last Stitches
Kustom Krafts - 4 Horses of Apocalypse
Kustom Krafts - Fire & Ice
Kustom Krafts - Sofa Cat
Lanarte Romantic Picnic 15%
Lavender & Lace Celtic Spring - 35%
Leisure Arts Noahs Ark Baby Afghan 50%
Marquoir Mystery Sampler freebie SAL 3 of 9 finished
Marty Bell - Hideaway Cottage
Pamela Kellogg Cupids Garden Mystery SAL 15%
Pat Rogers Hearts & Lace Sampler 70%
Paula Vaughan - May
Pegasus Pekingese Dogs V. 4 15%
The Silver Lining Aymars Amber Rose 30%
Sweetheart Tree - Olde English Needle Roll - 15%
Sweetheart Tree Teenie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung 30%
Teresa Wentzler Stretch 15%
Teresa Wentzler Under the Evergreen
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family

*Item in fuchsia is my focus piece.

Here's where I am on my focus piece. I can't believe that the last time I worked on it was in November of '06!!!! I'm hoping to have this one done in the near future - then onto the next...