Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 Stitching Year Report

Cheers - Mill Hill Ornament
The list is slowly changing. I've decided to become realistic and pull a few projects. Surprisingly, shedding some of these pieces felt good!!! However, I also added some.

 Here's my updated list:


Bent Creek - Snowman Flatbed Zippies 1-18-24
The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night - Boston Tea Party 1-19-24
The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night - Love Machine 2-1-24
Pam Kellogg - Cinnamon Bear Ornament - JCS Ornament Magazine 2-7-24
The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night - Mom's Stew 5-23-24
The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night - Joyful Holiday 12-20-2024


Alice Okon - Happy Holiday Ornament (started 1-16-24)
Calico Crossroads - St. Patty Kat (started Feb. 2024)
Dimensions - Laundry Day Kit (started Fall 2023)
Elizabeth Spurlock - Purrfect Halloween (started 1-9-24)
Janlynn - Live Simply Kit (started 1-22-23)
Jesse Schofield - Icy River Started 1-5-24)
Linda Myers - My Husband (started 1-4-24)
NMI - Waiting for Santa Coaster (started 2-2-24)
Riolis - City Cats in Autumn Kit (started 12-27-23)
The Frosted Pumpking Stitchery - Artic Animals Club (started 12-21-24)
The Silver Needle Exclusive - Snoman Mitten Tree Kit (started 12-15-23)
Stony Creek Magazine - Eastern Bluebird (started 1-10-24)

Older WIPS (22)

Art Ventures - Old Sentinel (started 2003) 15%
Creative Circle - Inn Keeper's Sign (stamped - started in the 1980's)
Cross Stitch & Country Crafts - North Woods Stocking (started 1985)
Crossed Wing Collection - Hummingbird Garden (started pre-2005) 35%
Dawna Barton - Dinner Call started pre-2007) 60% - has mistake - need to find
Diane Arthurs - Happy Everything (started pre-2004) 60%
Dimensions - A Bird For All Seasons (started pre-2008) - 5%
Dimensions - Magic In Motion (started 2008) - 5%
Dimensions - Wolf Portrait (started Jan. 2009) 65%
Drawn Thread - Miniature Reversible Sampler (started 2004)
Drawn Thread - Winter Spot (started 2004)
Hearts Delight - Noahs Ark Kit  (started 1-1-2005)- 50%
Just Nan - Last Stitches (started 1999)
Lanarte - Romantic Picnic (started 1-6-2006) 15%
Lavender & Lace - Celtic Spring (started pre-2005) - 35%
Marty Bell - Hideaway Cottage (started pre-2008)
Pat Rogers - Hearts & Lace Sampler (started pre-2005) 70%
Paula Vaughan - May kit (started 2004)
Pegasus - Pekingese Dogs V. 4 (started pre-2004) 15%
The Silver Lining - Aymars Amber Rose (pre-2005) 30%
Sweetheart Tree - Olde English Needle Roll (started 2007) - 50%
Sweetheart Tree - Teenie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung (started 2004) 30%


Bent Creek - Snappers all 12 w/border (Started 1-3-2006) - 1/2 of the border to go!
Curtis Boehringer - Needlewomans Murder Mystery (started 1-3-2005)
French Mystery 52eme rue - (Started 1-4-2006) 23 of 52 finished
Helga Mandl and Barbara Ana - Mystery Sampler (started 1-15-2008) - 45%
Marquoir Mystery Sampler freebie SAL (started 2002) 4 of 9 finished

BAPS (5)

Kustom Krafts - 4 Horses of Apocalypse (started pre-2005)
Kustom Krafts - Fire & Ice (started pre-2005)
Kustom Krafts - Sofa Cat (started 2007)
Sunset - Gettysburg (started 1-1-2008)
The Cross Stitch Gallery - The Baby by Harrison Fisher (started 1-20-2007)


Leisure Arts - Noahs Ark Baby Afghan
Carriage House Samplings - The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
DMC - The White Bindweed Fairy
Pamela Kellogg - Cupids Garden Mystery SAL
Teresa Wentzler - Stretch
Teresa Wentzler - Under the Evergreen
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family


Misc Printed XS kits
Children's kits
Teresa Wentzler - Millenium kit (new)

Monday, December 30, 2024

Preparing For WIPGO & WIPocalypse

 I am ready!!! WIPGO called the first set of numbers on Christmas.They were numbers 20 and 11.

2025 WIPGO Board
I am not going to mix up my numbers but put them in the order that was originally on the example WIPGO board. So my numbers will run left to right 1-5 first row, 6-10 second row, etc ending with 25 being the last square in the bottom right corner.

I pulled all my oldest WIPS and put on the board. The only one that's new is the Artic Animals Club because I really would like to get a chunk done on that one.

Here's my WIPGO list in order including dates started. I had to do a lot of digging to find those dates and some are still at best, quite vague:
  1. Sofa Cat (2002)
  2. Happy Everything (pre-2004)
  3. Noah's Ark (1-1-2005
  4. May (2004)
  5. Artic Animals Club (12-21-24)
  6. Hummingbird Garden (pre-2005)
  7. Fire & Ice (pre-2005)
  8. Celtic Spring (pre-2005)
  9. The Baby (1-20-2006)
  10. Bent Creek Snappers (1-3-2006)
  11. Romantic Picnic (1-6-2006)
  12. Magic in Motion (2005)
  13. Olde English Needleroll (2007)
  14. French Calendar (1-4-2006)
  15. North Woods Stocking (1985)
  16. A Bird For All Seasons (pre-2005)
  17. Gettysburg (1-1-2008)
  18. Aymer's Amber Rose (pre-2005)
  19. Four Horses of Apocalypse (pre-2005)
  20. Needlewoman's Murder Mystery 1-3-2005)
  21. Hideaway Cottage (pre-2005)
  22. Marquoir Mystery Sampler (2002)
  23. Last Stitches (12-31-1999)
  24. Inn Keeper's Sign (1980's)
  25. Twwnie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung (2004)
I did not include the designers in this list, as there will be a more detailed list posted tomorrow with my starts, finishes, WIPs, UFO/donated, etc.

Here's where I am at for Curtis Boehringer's Needlewoman's Murder Mystery in 13 chapters. I'm on Chapter 1. The last time I put stitches in this piece was 1-12-2004.

And here is Lanarte's Romantic Picnic. I can't remember when I touched it last. Yah - it's been that long ago.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

New Bags Arrived!!

 I have been seeing so many people on FlossTube show and tell about their amazing project bags. I've been admiring them for a long time. Well, a week or so ago, I was looking through Etsy and came across a seller that had a lot of bags I really liked, so I decided to order a couple. They arrived yesterday and I'm absolutely in love with them! The stitching is very nicely done, each bag is large enough for me to put leaflets, thread, fabric, q-snaps and even the rest of the set inside the bag.

Bee Happy is holding Stoney Creek's Lanarte Romantic Picnic. It contains everything I need for this project with lots of room left!

Bee Happy Vintage -front

Bee Happy Vintage - back

Fall Gourds Set

I am using the Fall Gourds Set to hold the Curtis Boehringer Needlewoman's Murder Mystery set (all 13 leaflets plus fabric, threads, the extra bags to the set and a set of q-snaps and I could still put more in the project bag!! These are going to be perfect for WIPGO and WIPocalypse!!!

All of these lovely bags were purchased from SassySassanach

Friday, December 27, 2024

Organization and Plans

I am a multi-crafter. I have never been satisfied with one niche but have always needed to branch out and learn everything I could. My mother, grandmother and great-grandmother were the same way and they passed it on to me. Mind you - for them, it was more of a necessity, especially the further back you go in my history. 

My great-grandmother saw it and made it. The family would take a trip to New York City and go to the posh stores and window shop. She would sketch the clothing she saw and liked, then went home and made them. Oh to have that talent and the many talents that ran through my mother's line. Yes, I do make things, but it wasn't until the last few years that I started doing things without a pattern or changing a pattern to fit what I like.

Why do I tell you this? Well, it's because my house is overtaken with all kinds of crafting items. There's not too many things I haven't tried and I have the supplies for all that I have. Woodburning, woodworking, jewelry making, beading, cards and paper crafts, painting, drawing, etc. and that's on top of cross-stitch, knitting, crochet and sewing. So, you see where my problem is. The supplies are taking over - they need organized and pared down. I hate knowing that I have something somewhere but not being able to find it. 

I have been on an 8 month stretch of not buying any yarn and that includes kits. I'm going to continue on the "Cold Sheep" Wagon and this year it's going to reach into other crafting areas. This year I'm not buying any new crafting or needlework products - including cross stitch. I will only be stitching from stash but I will reserve the right to purchase any threads or materials needed to complete an item. 

A no buy year for 2025. Maybe I'll have more success with organizing and finding things!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Five Days Left in 2024

 Christmas has come and gone with everyone being content with how the day went. It was a quiet day that started with over a 2-1/2 hour phone call from my daughter. I wish she wasn't so far away, but she loves it where she's at. That's all that matters. 

During the phone call, she had us open our gifts (so much for not exchanging any!) and she gave me the most adorable candle I've ever seen! It's called Snowman Campfire Candle and is by Forever Ricky - a shop on Etsy. She also gave me a candle care kit complete with trimmer, snuffer and an USB lighter.

My son gave me a generous gift certificate and hubby gave me my traditional House Mouse calendar and date book. Yes - I'm totally spoiled!!

There are only 5 days left in 2024. The year has gone by so quickly. Usually, I take this time between Christmas and New Years to reflect on this year's accomplishments and plans for next year. I started early this year and I've been doing that over the past month. The last 2 years haven't been the best - family health issues, the deaths of both family members and friends and 2 years of failed garden were tough but I'm looking forward to turning the page and starting a new year. I have my new planner started and my list of goals to complete. Here's to a new, hopefully better year to come.

The numbers were called in WIPGO - numbers 11 and 20. Number 11 for me is Lanarte's Romantic Picnic that I started stitching 1-6-2006. I haven't really touched that piece since I had to put it aside for a new model that had come in. Number 20 is Curtis Boehringer's Needlewoman's Murder Mystery that was started on 1-3-2005. I actually put a few stitches in that piece earlier this year when I was playing the 2024 BRR-ingo Challenge. I put it aside when I first started stitching it, as I heard there was an error on one of the charts. I set it aside until I could find out more about the error and correction and again, a model came in to be stitched and I never really got back to it until I decided to put it on my BRR-ingo card. Since that was a daily call, I was only able to put a couple hours of stitching on it. As much as I loved playing BRR-ingo and other games with that group, I've decided that I wanted to focus a little more time on these pieces. I'll see which method/group works best for me.

I must say I'm excited about participating in WIPGO and WIPocalypse.  I've had so many pieces that I started because I really wanted to stitch on them only to have to put them aside to work on a model that arrived. Some were planned, some just came in whenever the shop or designer needed it done. Other times it was a gift or request that would make me set aside my personal stitching. After sending the model back or finishing the gift, I seemed to not have the desire to pick the beloved piece back up and would move on. There was a time when I was just stitching freebies or smalls just so I could just finish something for me. Unfortunately, those all still sit in a box waiting to be fully finished. 

I will be posting before and after photos each month. My goal is 3 days per piece, but I'm hoping for more than that. I want some finishes next year. I need to move these old WIPs to the FO pile!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

It's Christmas

"Over the river and through the woods..."

Christmas has arrived and I still haven't figured out how it came so quickly. It seems like we just finished putting up the straggling vegetables from the garden, then blinked and it was Christmas. I guess I'm not the only one that says that, because everyone I've spoken to has had the same feeling. One of my dear friends said two days ago that she still doesn't have all her shopping and preparations done. That's so unlike her!

We have decided that since we are all adults in our family, that we wouldn't exchange gifts. I know for a fact that no one has kept to that decision. We will get together and exchange things after dinner. The menu has a huge beef roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, stuffing and cranberry sauce. I didn't make any pies this year as we have so many other things to eat. Maybe for New Years Day.

I am looking forward to the posting on WIPGO today. This is my first time participating and I'm looking to see what will be chosen for the first 2 WIPs. 

Wishing everyone a great day today!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve


We have snow today!

Happy Christmas Eve to everyone that celebrates Christmas. I have nothing needlework related to report as I didn't pick up and put any time into anything yesterday. Instead, my son persuaded me to brave the crowds and go to town with him. He took me to the Eastern European Market to get some of the traditional foods that my grandmother used to make and serve each Christmas. It's always a way to spur  so many happy memories but at the same time, a sense of longing for those days gone by. 

We left the European market, did some regular shopping, visited a few friends and then he took me out to dinner. He sure knows how to show me a good time. Our son is a treasure that I'm so very blessed with. I couldn't ask for a better one.

Wishing you all a great day today!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Arctic Animals Club Start

 I now know for a fact that I am old. I sat down to start the Arctic Animals Club and it took me forever to get my first stitches in. Since I purchased the kit, it came with 28 count linen from Picture This Plus in the gorgeous color Nocture. That color and count is killing my old eyes. There's something about the color plus the linen that makes it near impossible to stitch on at times. I have to dig out my stronger reading glasses I guess as well as my Ott light. I am guessing my days of stitching on darker linens have passed and aida will be stepping up to take its place. Maybe it's the color changes. I just purchased a few pieces of hand-dyed fabrics so I'll see if I have the same problem on different colors. I know I had to put aside stitching for a while after my issue with an ocular occlusion in my dominate eye just barely off center. It left that part of my eye damaged and I had to adjust learning to see with it. It was weird, as no one knows why it happened - no medical reason was found. Anyway, back to stitching...

The design is cute and a quite easy stitch as far as colors and chart go. If it weren't for the difficulty seeing the fabric, I'd have had a lot more done. I wanted to try to get caught up and finish with the SAL - but I'm thinking that may now be too ambitious of a goal with the problems I'm having with the fabric. 

Isn't that fabric gorgeous?!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Calico Crossroads - St. Patty Kat WIP

I worked on Calico Crossroads Kats by Kelly - St. Patty Kat yesterday. I'm using the called for DMC floss and 14 count white aida. This should be finished in the next few days. All I need to do is finish the border and the lettering.

I've finished December through February so far.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Arctic Animals Club Kit Arrived!!

I was so excited to receive notice that my Arctic Animals Club kit was waiting for me in my mailbox. I think it's perfect timing being the Solstice and the longest day of the year. The absolute perfect day for putting in my first stitch! 

I'm really late to the game. There's only 3 parts out of 11 left to be released, but that's ok. This is such an adorable chart. At this point, I'm going to try stitching in the order of the releases and not look ahead. I did see the latest chart release, but honestly, I don't remember much of what it looks like. It was more of a glance than anything.

Joyous Holiday Finish

 I love Secret Needle Night kits from The Silver Needle. The designs are simple, but the variety of threads are amazing. I have learned to use threads in my cross stitch - threads that I thought were so pretty but had no idea what to do with them. As I stitch through my SNN kits, I'm learning to look at threads and fabrics in a whole new way.

Finished 12-20-2024

Close-up of silver threads running 
through the fabric

Side-view to show texture 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

2024 Knitting FO Parade

 I didn't have a lot of finishes for the year and didn't meet my goal, but life... These are my knitting finishes for the year:

MineCraft Socks
 designed by Heather Cox

 designed by Regina Satta

Bonny Bunny Bag
 designed by Claire Slade

Furball's New Year 2025
 designed by Tabby & Moo Moo

Iowa Crew/Cruise Socks
 designed by Carol A. Anderson

Helix 101
 designed by Cynthia Spencer

Socks for Peter KroySock Yarn
 designed by Paula Kralick

Mint Chocolate Chip Socks
No pattern used

Steaming Mug Dishcloth
desgned by Emily Jagos

I also finished a couple of crocheted items:

Towel and Topped with no border
designed by Glenda Winkleman

Oval Placemat
 designed by Hila Lifshitz

There were also a few completed items that I never got around to taking a photo after they were completed:
  • 2024 Square (Dishcloth) designed by Daisy & Storm
  • Dishcloth 25 designed by nalhcib
  • Ticking Striped Kitchen Towel from Annies Hook & Needle Kit Club
  • Birdhouse Dishcloth designed by Melissa Bergland Burnham

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Joyful Holidays WIP

I don't know why I love The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night kits so much, but I do. It saddened me when I received the notice that the kits had increased in price and I had to make the hard choice not to renew my subscription to them next year. It's not like I don't have anything to work on, but these kits are so much fun to work on. I do have a back-log to stitch, so maybe after they are all done, I'll do another year subscription for 2026. Time will tell.

Currently, I am working on a discontinued Secret Needle Night kit that I found on eBay from November of 2000. It is called "Joyful Holiday". The fabric is 10ct. white/silver Tila. There is a variety of threads: Daisies wool, size 5 perle cotton, Medici wool, Cashmere wool,Splendor silk, Artic Rays, Fyrewerks and Treasure Braid metallic. There are also bugle and large red beads (my guess is pebble beads). 

I need to finish the wreath, add lettering, highlights to the bow and the beads. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

New Kit Purchases

December 31st is my last day to purchase any kits or patterns. Starting January 1, 2025, I will not be buying any cross stitch items except for what is needed to work on my stash. I will only be allowed toSil buy needed threads and fabric. My Secret Needle Night subscription ends this month which makes me a bit sad, but the price has increased and I really don't need any more of them to stitch. I found some of the discontinued kits on eBay and have added a few of them to my collection. I'll need to get all of them stitched before I consider purchasing any more in '26.

I love Dimensions kits and did buy a few over the Black Friday, Black Monday and the Christmas sales.  I wanted to show off my new purchases, as I think they are awesome (IMHO). 

These ones have been received:

A Kiss for Snoman 

Joy Ride

Napping Kitten

And these are on their way:

In the Shadows

Wise Owl

Scenic Farm

And 2 RIOLIS kits are coming as well:

Napping Kitten

City & Cats - Summer

While at the Jingle Ball (my first time attending!), I took a class and found new to me designers. One was The Frosted Pumpkin and I thought the designs were adorable. I saw the 2024 Yearly Club SAL called Arctic Animals Club and decided to purchase the kit which includes everything including the pattern. The pattern is sent out in 11 parts and I'm well behind on that, but there are 3 more parts to go, It's absolutely adorable and I have have a huge thing for puffins and harp seals - so how could I resist?! I also purchased the Little Red Riding Hood kit as well. They were just shipped, so it should be before Christmas (according to USPS). I will be adding the Arctic Animals to my rotation next year.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Plans and WIPGO 2025


It's been a long while since my last post. Life quite got in the way with starting seedlings and planning a garden to working the garden and weeding and weeding and weeding. I'd like to say that all that work panned out well, but it didn't. The lack of rain, the bugs, birds, squirrels and chipmunks, deer and the dang ground hog left very little to harvest. This has probably been the worst year for getting much out of the garden. It seemed like I worked to feed the wildlife. 

Then there was the saga of the missing bell peppers - a mystery for sure. I was out the day before and there were quite a few that were nice and big and ready to be picked. I didn't want to get them then, since I thought the freshest bells would be the best for making stuffed peppers the next day. Well, I got everything around for making them, went out to the garden to pick them and they were ALL GONE! I mean ALL of them!!! I posted to my local homestead list and everyone there insisted it had to be human that would have stripped the plants like that. I don't know - but it is strange.

Our daughter came to visit for 8 days and went home on the 4th of July. It was so nice to see her, as we haven't seen her for 3 years. Way too long, but it's life. The visit was too short and we traveled around the state with her so that she could do something new and fun. She had a list of things she wanted to see. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time. Next time...

We also added a new addition to the family. A sweet 4 week old kitten appeared on our back patio with 2 siblings. No idea where they came from, but we couldn't catch them. That night, one was killed and the next, the other disappeared. We finally caught the last one and she's been with us ever since. She's a sweetheart. The vet gave her the age of 4 weeks when we took her in the same day we caught her. She was definitely small and needed bottle fed. She had blue eyes when we caught her, but they changed the next day. The vet was surprised to find she had no parasites, fleas or ear mites, leading him to believe someone dropped them off. Sad. She weighed just under a pound then. Now, she's 7 months old and a ball of energy!

Not much was done over the year for cross stitch or knitting. I was so busy with that stuff and trying to put up small batches of what we did get out of the garden, that I had no real time to do anything else. Ah well, there's always next year.

Speaking of next year, I've decided to join WIPocalypse and WIPGO next year and focus on my oldest started projects. I actually have one back from the 90's that really needs worked on. So many old ones that I loved at one time and have decided to either finish them or pull them from my pile. I'll be posting more about that in the near future.