Thursday, January 05, 2006

A New Year - time for new starts, finishes, and looking ahead....

I just doesn't seem possible that we have started a new year. The last year went by so fast - even the kids commented about how quickly time has flown.

The holiday was so full this year - going from family to family - finally finishing up on the 2nd. It was definately time to take a breath and sit down and relax. I love seeing family and friends, but putting it all in a week or two doesn't do it for me. I go on overload, and it seems like by the time New Year's gets here, everyone seems short and grumpy (so I know it's not just me! LOL)

During the last few nights of December, I put a lot of effort in trying to get L&L's Angel Sampler finished, and on the 29th of December I put my last stitches in. And here is my last finish for the year:

I made a list of plans for this year - things to accomplish, work on and start, and here's what I came up with for my stitching list:

To Finish:

Diane Arthurs - Happy Everything
Wizzers - Birdhouse
Pam Kellogg - Cinnamon Bear
Sweetheart Tree - Spring Has Sprung
Pat Rogers - Heart Sampler
Pam Kellogg - Winterlude
Stefani Martin - Covered Bridge Spring
Heart's Delight - Noah's Ark
Crossed Wing Collection - Hummingbird Garden
Teresa Wentzler - Stretch
House Mouse - Apple Seeds
Dimensions - Moonlit Play
French Mystery -52ème rue (52 parts - one a week) Started 1-4-06

Things To Add A Considerable Amount To:

Paula Vaughn - May
Teresa Wentzler - UTE
Mariquoir Mystery Sampler
Curtis Boehringer - Needlewoman Murder Mystery
Kustom Krafts - Fire & Ice
Kustom Krafts - 4 Horses of Appocolypse
Just Nan - Last Stitches
Just Nan - First Stitches
CS&CC - Woodland Stocking
Dimensions - A Bird for All Season
Lanarte - Romantic Picnic

New Starts:

Bent Creek Snappers (all 12) with border (started 1-3-06)
House Mouse - Mother's Work
L&L 2002 freebie
Rex ltd - Johnny Depp
Kats By Kelly - Monthly Kats

My list is probably much more ambitious than I am, but it's still a goal :-) I still have some socks and knitting to accomplish during the year. I have a big order from all members for new socks (and I had to pull teeth to get them to try the first pair of wool socks I made!) so that will definately cut into my stitching time.

I finished the first square to the 52ème rue French Mystery Sampler. I'm stitching it on 14ct. Lilac colored Fiddler's cloth type aida using DMC 550. Total stitch count is 250 x 250 but getting a 30 x 30 square to stitch every week certainly makes it much more attainable. I had it finished in one evening - so my Wednesdays will be put aside for stitching on the Mystery.

The mystery is supposed to center around the weather and the seasons, so I'm really looking forward to it. I love anything seasonal! I'm now anxiously awaiting the next piece.....

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