Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Last Day of 2006

Here it is - the last day of 2006!! The last couple of weeks have gone so quickly. I sit amazed wondering how we got through the whole year so fast. I guess that's just letting you know how old I'm getting :D

The kids got out their lists of what they wanted to accomplish this year and saw all that they did get done. The list is never to be looked at as failures of what wasn't done, but what things did get accomplished instead. Both are pleased with the things they did do. Now they are starting their long lists for next year. It's always fun going over them for all of us!

This will be my last update for this year. I'm a bit farther now than when I did the scan, but this is were I was just a couple of days ago. This is Pam Kellogg's "Winterlude" and came from a CraftSoft kit. Now I wish I had purchased the other seasons from this set.

I just love the colors on this piece, and the scene reminds me of a place I used to spend many hours at as a child.

My finishes for 2006:
1. Bent Creek - May Snapper
2. Lizzie Kat - I Love My Dog
3. Dimensions - Moonlit Play
4. Hinzeit - Father Charmed Mini Block
5. Margaret Sherry - Feeling Uplifted
6. Handblessings - Oak Leaf Bookmark
7. Susan Gastler - May Teapot
8. Calico Crossroads - KBK Monthly Cats - December In the Bag
9. Lizzie Kate - Cherish Dream Live
10. Dimensions - Hang in There
11. Just Nan - Crystal Heart
12. Stefani Martin - Covered Bridge Spring
13. Rex Enterprises Ltd. - Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
14. Calico Crossroads - KBK Monthly Cats - January Happy New Year
15. Marilyn Levette Imblume - 2002 Christmas Freebie
16. Bent Creek - February Snapper
17. Dragon Dreams - Winter
18. Artecy - Autumn Kitten Bookmark
19. Jeanette Crews Designs - Pay the Piper Mug

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Christmas is gone

We had a wonderful Christmas and I got lots of nice presents, including a BAP called "The Baby" by Harrison Fisher from Marri. It's from The Cross Stitch Pattern Gallery The kids were pleased with everything they got, and DS is enjoying one of his now. He got his wish and is now at Winter Retreat. DD goes next month, and she can't wait!

I keep wondering where the time goes. Already, another Christmas has gone, and we are heading for a new year. This week is a time for lots of reflection for me. I look at all that has been done, what should have been done, and what could have been done. Then I look forward to what I want to do. A new year with new goals.

I completed my two gifts for the kids. DD's bookmark was finished in plenty of time, and it's a good thing, too, because I came across a mug insert I was doing for DS and needed to squeeze that in as well.

Here is the finished Autumn Kitten Bookmark by Artecy:

And here is the finished mug insert for DS. It's called Pay the Pipers by Jeanette Crews Designs:

I really thought I was keeping good records of what I had started, wanted to start and where my stash was, until I found some WIPS that I forgot I had. OK, I'm not as together as I thought, and I'm really deluding myself that I can keep everything together. So, I've decided to take the 50 project challenge and wipe out some of my stash and wips.

So here's the start of my 50 Project Challenge that will begin on New Year's Day....

Exceptions for me will be:
1. gift certificates for stash
2. threads or beads (if I run out) to complete something
3. Silkweaver's FoM that DH got for me. If I unsub, I won't be able to get this offer again as Tracey discontinued it.
4. Possible fabric purchase to stitch the BAP that Marri got me. (Thanks Marri!!!)

I've decided to start a list of the finishes I'd like to accomplish in 2007.....

1. Bent Creek - Monthly Snappers - January
2. Kats by Kelly Monthy Minis - February
3. HoHRH - House #7
4. Pam Kellogg - Winterlude
5. Marquoir Story - Part 4
6. Pam Kellogg - Cinnamon Bear
7. Wizzers - Birdhouse Windchime
8. Breast Cancer fund – From the Heart Needle Roll
9. Diane Arthurs – Happy Everything
10. House Mouse – Apple Seeds
11. Pat Rogers – Hearts & Lace Sampler
12. SanMan Originals - Blooms
13. Sweetheart Tree – Jan. Needle Roll (needs some frogging)
14. Sweetheart Tree – Teenie Tweenies – Spring Has Sprung
15. Teresa Wentzler – Stretch
16. HIH Monthly Mania - February
17. The Drawn Thread - Winter Spot
18. Mirabilia - 1996 Holiday Cherub

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Project Challenge and Bookmark Update

One of the groups I'm in has decided to start a project challenge. I've seen it on other boards and groups, but I've been ignoring it, just because of the holidays coming up. I didn't want to make any commitments until closer to the end of the year. Well, the end of the year is almost here, so I'm joining in with this group. I haven't decided if I want to do the 10 project or 25 project commitment. I want to do the 10, because it's easier - but I really need to do the 25. I think if I made the 25 project commitment, I'd actually go out and buy myself some nice stash as a reward. I'd deserve it then! :)

DD's bookmark WILL be finished for Christmas. I'll tell you, there were nights as I frogged, that I really wondered if I would see a finish. I'm about 75% done now...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Two Finishes and updated WIP pic

I finally have two finishes to report. First, Dragon Dreams "Winter" just came off the q-snaps, so it has wrinkles, but I wanted to get it up to share. He has been stitched on 32 ct. hand-dyed linen that is supposed to look like sky - unknown brand. The larger flakes are stitched in Rainbow Gallery PB10 - much like Kreinik's 032. It sparkles so much, but is all lost in the picture - just like the color difference in the "sky" fabric.

Next is an old piece from my FO box - Just Nan's Glorious Wings "Glory". I finally got her framed and she is now up and hanging in her temp. home in the hall. Here is another one that you really need to see in person to see the sparkle. It's double matted with brushed gold and burgundy color mats.

The Autumn Kitten Bookmark is now at about 65% finished. I'm getting excited seeing how it's turning out, and I so want to get it finished!!! I should post an update, but getting to do it with DD around is next to impossible. Maybe tomorrow....

Last, but not least, is my Marquoir Story. As you probably noticed, I finally got the software installed so I can now download our pics from the camera. So, here's the belated part 3 that I finished last month.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Stitching Away...

Today's the last day of deer season, so my nice leisurely Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays will be no more. Bummer. I was really enjoying sitting and stitching with DD and watching movies.

I put almost 5 hours into "Celtic Spring". I still have part of the swirl on the bottom of the robe to do yet, but have moved on to the gown. It is turning out so nicely (IMHO) . I'm enjoying the stitching on this one as well as Vermillion's "The Holy Family". Each of these will be hard to put away to stitch on the other. I may just end up with 2 focus pieces. :)

Dragon Dream's "Winter" is all done except for a few snowflakes. I'm not enjoying them for some reason. Maybe it's the double strand of RG that I'm using in place of the Kreinik 032. It's feeling like a chore, so I'm just doing a snowflake or two, then moving on to something else.

Artecy's Autumn Kitten has hit it's half way point. I honestly can't believe it's taking so long to stitch. I guess between the confetti stitches and working on it so late at night (causing that dang ol' frog to visit!) is the problem. After seeing how he looks now, I'm quite pleased. I've never done an Artecy pattern before - even though I've been a member for a while. They've always intimidated me.
Now, off to get a little more stitching done before I have to make dinner.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Update on my Dad - Thank you!!!

I want to thank everyone for all their prayers and well wishes for my father. They worked! His biopsy came back ok and they operated on him yesterday. They took out the growth and the dr. said it looks like it may have been precancerous. It was sent to the lab to check to make sure, but he's pretty positive there won't be any cancer treatments required. YEAH!!! They did a reconstruction on his bowel, and he won't need a bag. The first thing Dad asked was what they did to him. He was so worried that was the route they would have to take. Now he will be in the hospital another week or so to heal. Again, thank you all for your warm thoughts and prayers.

19 Days Until Christmas

Time is going so quickly! Luckily, most of the presents are purchased and just last minute little things will need to be picked up - as I'm sure I've forgotten something. I started a bookmark for DD. It's called Autumn Kitten by Artecy, but I'm not nearly as close to being finished as I want to be. I can only work on it at night after she goes to bed, and she's been up later than normal working on her literature assignments plus she's been worried about Dad. So when she finally is in bed, I can pull out the bookmark, but by then I'm beat, making for some rough nights of stitching - and usually frogging. I was so drawn to this, as it looks just like our Frisky that died this fall.

Patterns Online is having a sale this month. They are offering select winter and Christmas patterns at 15% off. I had 3 in my wishlist (well, actually more) that qualified, so they found their way to their new home on my PC. I purchased Dragon Dreams "Winter" (an exclusive for PO), Cecilia Votta's "Merry Christmas" and Sudberry House's "Snow Globes". I've been working on "Winter" and have the dragon finished except for a little bit of back stitching. I still have the wording and the snowflakes to go, but he'll soon be done. He is turning out really cute! I should be posting a picture of it soon.

Miniature Chefs

The guys were out hunting on Monday, so DD was home alone with me all day. She scooted me out of the kitchen and wouldn't let me near it. That little sweetie decided to surprise me and bake my favorite cookies - Chocolate Crinkles!! She received lots of rave reviews, not only from me, but from the guys when they got home.

The kids both can cook and bake very well. At ages 13 and 15, they usually astonish everyone when they show up with dishes to pass at the holiday events or family reunions. DS loves to bake cheesecakes - NY style and my grandmother's are his favorites. DD is a cookie and cake person. This Thanksgiving, we were invited to my brother's, and he invited some of his friends. DS make a NY Style cheesecake and some Oatmeal Scotchie cookies, and DD made a green bean casserole, a mayo cake with cooked fudge frosting, and butter brickle cookies to take. The looks on the guests faces when they found out that the dessert was made by the kids - and then to find out it was all from scratch?!!! AHHH... Astonishment would be way too mild. I'm pretty sure the astonishment because they were expected to eat it :-) The guests were reluctant to take any - but when they did, they came back for more, even after the huge dinner. And the kids, well, they love it. They love the reactions that they get, and the praises are very appreciated as well. LOL

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December!!

Where has the time gone? It seems like I was just preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday and now it's already December! Even with the holiday, I did get a tiny bit of stitching done.

My November goals were:
Bent Creek - February Snapper - finished
CC KBK - Jan. Calendar Cat - finished
DH's Boot Socks - turning the heel on sock #2
HoHRH - House #7 - nope
Mariquor Mystery Sampler finish Pt. 3 - finished
MLI - finish 2002 Ornament Freebie - finished
Mystery - catch up - 1-20 finished
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays - nope

Mind you, it really looks like a lot, but almost everything was near being finished when they were put away. It was the reward I needed getting a few finishes under my belt this past month. I also got a chance to put in 9 hours on "The Holy Family" by Vermillion Stitchery. It is a lovely piece that I so graciously adopted from Janet. This is how far Janet was:

Image hosted by
by tweezle

and this is where I'm at 9 hours later:

Image hosted by
by tweezle

I have one more hour in my rotation yet, but I may just keep working on this one. It's such an enjoyable stitch!

Now, for my December goals:

Artecy - Autumn Kitten Bookmark
DH's Boot Socks - finish #2
French Mystery - catch up
HoHRH - House #7
L&L - Celtic Spring - 10 hours rotation
Sweetheart Tree - In the Meadow Knob Knocker
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family

December is the month of reflection for me. It's a time of looking at all the rewards of the past year and hopes of the new year to come. This past year was a year with a few trials - one of which we are facing now and I so wish we weren't. My Dad is in the hospital with a number of growths in his intestines/colon. The small ones were removed, but there is quite a large one that has to be removed by an operation. My father is 81 - soon to be 82 and he's sure this is going to be the end - or at least the beginning of the end. The biopsy results will determine how things will go, and I am praying that they are negative for cancer. He's had such a difficult road these past few years, and I'm praying that this time things will go his way. I would appreciate any prayers or healing thoughts for him.