Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December!!

Where has the time gone? It seems like I was just preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday and now it's already December! Even with the holiday, I did get a tiny bit of stitching done.

My November goals were:
Bent Creek - February Snapper - finished
CC KBK - Jan. Calendar Cat - finished
DH's Boot Socks - turning the heel on sock #2
HoHRH - House #7 - nope
Mariquor Mystery Sampler finish Pt. 3 - finished
MLI - finish 2002 Ornament Freebie - finished
Mystery - catch up - 1-20 finished
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays - nope

Mind you, it really looks like a lot, but almost everything was near being finished when they were put away. It was the reward I needed getting a few finishes under my belt this past month. I also got a chance to put in 9 hours on "The Holy Family" by Vermillion Stitchery. It is a lovely piece that I so graciously adopted from Janet. This is how far Janet was:

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by tweezle

and this is where I'm at 9 hours later:

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by tweezle

I have one more hour in my rotation yet, but I may just keep working on this one. It's such an enjoyable stitch!

Now, for my December goals:

Artecy - Autumn Kitten Bookmark
DH's Boot Socks - finish #2
French Mystery - catch up
HoHRH - House #7
L&L - Celtic Spring - 10 hours rotation
Sweetheart Tree - In the Meadow Knob Knocker
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family

December is the month of reflection for me. It's a time of looking at all the rewards of the past year and hopes of the new year to come. This past year was a year with a few trials - one of which we are facing now and I so wish we weren't. My Dad is in the hospital with a number of growths in his intestines/colon. The small ones were removed, but there is quite a large one that has to be removed by an operation. My father is 81 - soon to be 82 and he's sure this is going to be the end - or at least the beginning of the end. The biopsy results will determine how things will go, and I am praying that they are negative for cancer. He's had such a difficult road these past few years, and I'm praying that this time things will go his way. I would appreciate any prayers or healing thoughts for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all the finishes. Sorry to hear about your father - my prayers go out to him that the biopsy returns with happy results.