Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today was basically a catch-up day. I spent the day catching up little things that needed done, but don't seem to amount to anything. It looks like a wasted day, but really it wasn't. Then, for my short break, I put some stitches in on Fluffy Puppy. You know, no matter how long you have to stitch, it never seems long enough, does it? Puppy seems to be looking more like a Pom all the time. He should be done and framed in a couple of days.


Jodi said...


Your sock's are awesome! I have a friend from Canada that makes me sock's once a year. They last me about 11 months because they are always my favorites...Is your fluffy dog supposed to be a pomeranian as it does look just like one...very nice stitching.


tweezle said...

Hi Jodi! Thank you for such nice comments. You are truly blessed to have a friend that knits socks for you. If I want them, I have to knit them myself :)

Yes, the dog is a Pom. My MIL had 2, but lost one this past year, and this one looks just like the one that died. She was a precious dog.

Jodi said...

Yes, I do consider myself lucky. :o)

My grandmother always had pomeranians and those little long haired silver terriers? I think that is what they were. She was a lap dog lover. I am getting a puppy just before Christmas. A Shih Tzu. She is 6 weeks old. The owner is keeping her until she is 10 wks. But I am naming her Madeline after my grandmother...who liked lap dogs. :o) Maddy for short. I have to have a dog that does not shed as I am allergic.

Do you sell your socks?


tweezle said...

Oh my! A Shih Tzu!! They are so cute. My aunt has them and they are adorable but just a bit temperamental, but what little dog isn't? :)

No - I don't sell my socks. My family keeps me busy knitting for them, so I don't have time to do them for someone else. It's a neat idea though... :)