Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Don't Like Sharing!

At least not when it comes to my PC. DH's laptop died on him, and is in need of a new part, so until the part arrives and can be fixed (I'm hoping it can be!!), I have to share. sigh.... The worst part was DH was home for part of the week sick, so he was online quite a bit during that time. Plus, with him home sick, I didn't get much time to stitch.

I did do a little sorting of things, and pulled out a needle roll that I had started a while ago. I had made a mistake on it somewhere, and try as I might, I couldn't find the mistake and back it would go into the WIP box for another time to examine it. This time, I decided that I would continue to stitch it if I found the mistake or not. I looked and looked, and try as I might, I couldn't find it. So I started stitching - and found it! Things were ripped back and fixed, and I now have more than two rows done on it.

Here is "Olde English Needle Roll" by Sweetheart Tree, after finding the boo-boo and adding a couple more rows.

And here it is as it stands today. I'm now ready to start row 12 - the middle row. Another thing I can soon cross off my list of long time WIPs/UFOs. The color on this scan is more accurate than the one above.

It really is a pretty piece, and I forgot how much I love stitching band samplers. I need to get my Just Nan's out and start working on them again.

With working on the needle roll, I didn't get much done on "Wolf Portrait". The one wolf is really starting to show, even with the little bit that I did.

New Contest

Tomorrow starts a Contest on the Lavender & Lace Bulletin Board. I have committed to stitching 30 hours on "Celtic Spring" over the contest period. I 'm looking forward to about doubling the amount of time I have on her now. Here she is at 32 and 3/4 hours.

I still haven't decided if I want to just stitch the girl of if I want the boarder around her. The boarder is beautiful, but I don't like how the word "Spring" is. I would have to rechart it to make it so it fits and I don't know if I really want to do that. I'll see when I come to that bridge.

Well, now it's off to make dinner and hopefully get a few stitches in tonight.

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