Monday, May 27, 2019

Textured Washcloth With Hanger

My dear friend Peggy loves handmade washcloths and dishcloths. She always asks me to make them for her. When I asked her how many she needed, her reply was, "As many as you want to make for me!" So, I'm on a mission to make a bunch of cloths for her. How can I refuse making something that someone will actually love and use?!

I will be giving her a mix of both crocheted and knitted cloths and scrubbies and see what she prefers so I can tailor more to her liking and needs. Knowing Peggy, though, she'll love them all.

Textured Washcloth with Hanger is a crocheted cloth that is on the smaller side. It was easy to make and has a nice wavy texture to it. It also has a chain hanger in the corner that will allow one to easily hang it to dry. I used the same cotton yarn as I used making the Market Bag: Peaches & Creme in 159 Pink Lilacs colorway.

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