Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Crochet Along for a CAUSE

Nothing is more fun than crocheting or knitting with others. Unfortunately, not all of us can get out to meetings due to when they are scheduled, where they are located, time constraints, no baby sitter or an illness/disability. An online crochet or knit along is the next best thing! Everyone comes together and does the same project(s) and some like to have a discussion and show off what they made, while others like to sit back and enjoy seeing and reading about others experiences. There is no pressure in a group like this.

Hooked on Homemade Happiness is having a Crochet Along that runs all summer. One FREE hat pattern per week will be posted and only takes a small amount of time to complete. Her patterns are well written, she has tutorials posted and everyone has fun while making something for a great cause!

I'll be joining this great crochet along and hope you will join along with me. We will have fun while doing something good for our community - sounds like a win-win situation to me!!!

For more information, visit:

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