Thursday, October 02, 2003

The garden passed away quietly tonight. We are at 28 degrees F. right now, and I expect it to go lower before morning. We spent the day gathering the last of the veggies. It always saddens me to see another growing season end, but at the same time, it's a welcomed break. Fall is officially here now, and soon our trees will display the most breathtaking display - their final adieu before they slumber and refresh themselves. Winter is my time to relax and renew as well. It's my time to spend time doing the things I love most, as I finally have time.

I worked a little on DH's socks, a few rows on DD's skinny scarf, and tonight I put a little over an hour in on DD's sweater. The front is at about the half-way point now. I've wondered if I could do the sweater on circular needles, but with the Lion Brand Homespun I'm a little concerned it won't hold it's shape well without the side seams. I guess I could always put in a false seam, but I still would have to figure out where the sleeves would go and where I would end before I started working the front and back separately.

Sad news - Another yarn shop is going out of business. I called and ordered their Plymouth Galway package - they had 15 balls for $29 plus shipping, and also got a set of size 9 "wooden" dps. I'm anxious to see what will be coming. Then I placed an order at for Fiber Gypsie's books: Custom Fit Socks 1 and the two Custom Fit Mittens books. I need a good mitten book - and book one covers from cuff to fingertip, while book two covers fingertip to wrist. I wished I would have ordered them earlier now as it looks like I should have had some mittens finished already!

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