Monday, October 13, 2003

That sock! I think it hates me. I've dropped more stitches on that, than I think I've done in my whole lifetime of knitting. I saw a mistake on the heel while I was trying to pick up three stitches, and decided to just rip back to the heel flap. Gonna try it again....

Great news! My needles and books came from Schoolhouse Press today - and what a surprise, because I expected it by mail and not UPS. I have been enjoying Country Knits 2 and Country Knits for Kids by Stephen & Carol Huber. I'm getting some ideas for my next sweater.

The first of the Spiral Rib Mittens is done. My son loves it, but I don't care for the feel. I do like the long cuff, but the pattern makes my hand feel like it's being squeezed together - even though it's not tight on it. I'll finish the pair since DS like them, but these won't be on my list to make again. Sad - because I enjoyed doing the spiral rib. I also crocheted a pair of mittens for my daughter to match her "Wizard Scarf" I made from a Coats & Clark freebie.

I'm going to try to cast on the sleeve for the Weekend Sweater. I'm anxious to get going on that again.

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