Saturday, June 03, 2006

Getting Back to Normal....

It feels so good getting back to feeling normal. I was down for the last few months quite ill. It turned out to be a problem with my gall bladder, and after a lodged stone and a nasty bout with jaundice, I had the stone removed. Then on to recovery and then when I was back to the health they wanted me to be, they removed my gall bladder. I'm finally able to take some time to sit and surf the net again as well as stitch. Both couldn't be done during the last couple of months, as it was just too painful to sit in one position for any amount of time. Thank heavens that's all behind me now. I'm still moving gingerly, but feel a whole hill of beans better than I have been!

My DS gave me a lovely kit for my birthday present - about a month ago, and he said he needed to get it for me, because I wasn't stitching any more, and he knew that I needed to be stitching. I after all that time, I don't have near what I would have wanted to on it. It was so hard sitting and trying to work on it. But now - it's coming right along, and should be done soon. The kit is from Creative Accents (Dimensions) and is called "Hang In..."

I'm now to the kitten's head, and then will have the clouds and letter to do - plus all the outlining, and it will be finished. Such a lovely present :)

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