Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January Is Dentist Month at Our House!

Like it or not, this month seems to be dentist month here. Sigh... Between the oral surgeon for DS and my appointment, we handed over more than $2000 for tooth care. It wouldn't be so bad if we had some dental insurance, but alas, the employer doesn't offer any. These little OOP adventures keep me stitching from my stash instead of buying new goodies. One great consolation for me is that there really isn't much that I feel is worth adding at the present. I'm quite bored with the designs looking all the same.

I received such a lovely package in the mail today from Janeth. She sent me Lorri Birmingham's "Spring Blessings".

Thank you so much, Janeth! This was such a wonderful gift and a great pick-me-up!! The best part is it made it here before "Guilt-Free January" is over, so I can start it!! YAY! Now, to dig in my stash and see if I have the perfect fabric for it. I just love this design. :)


After ripping out the sock, my daughter felt guilty for telling me it wasn't tight enough for her. It took a lot of assurance and explaining to her that I'd rather have ripped one out and started over with something that fit, instead of having a pair of socks that sat in her drawer and never worn. I think it finally sunk in. I have the first sock re-knitted (it fits now - YAY!!)and am on the heel of the second one. It will be finished in time for Sock A Month 7.

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