Not much new in Tweezleland, just running the kids to their classes, 4-H and necessary shopping. The flu still has a huge hold on us. Everyone is exhausted by the end of the day. I'm looking so forward to this passing.
While we were out getting our necessities, DD talked me into going to AC Moore's and getting her frame for Captain Jack. So she and DS went to pick out frames. DS found a lovely silver frame for Darth Vader and DD found a beautiful frame for Jack. Now, to take some time to frame them. Maybe tomorrow, since today we will be going to my brother's to watch the Superbowl. I'm hoping the snow will hold off until we get home. It's been sputtering flakes on and off today, and I hope that that's the extent of it. We had so much rain yesterday and last night that I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the precipitation is about done. I love a good snowstorm, but not today.
While at AC Moore's, I found some wonderful Dimensions kits on sale, but was a good girl and didn't get myself one! DD did find a wolf one she has been after me to get for her for a long time, so DH said to go ahead and get it since it was 50% off. I don't call this breaking my stash diet since THEY decided to buy it for me to stitch for DD. LOL The piece is called "Soul Music" and really is lovely.

I also found DMC Rayon floss there. I needed a few for my PM patterns, so I picked up the only ones I could remember off the top of my head. I wish I hadn't left my list at home. I didn't realize they had any there. COOL!! DD wants me to do Fredrick the Literate for her as well as the Midnight Cat Row (think that's what it's called) - and of course they are both on black fabric). I will be looking for a 40% off coupon to get one. Maybe it will be done for her birthday (in 2008! LOL)
Moonlit Play only needs a couple more stitches in the water, then it's backstitching and french knots and I'm done. I'm really looking forward to finishing it. It's so pretty!
And last but not least, a finish.... Hinzeit's Father Charmed Mini Blocks. I need to seal and attatch the charms, but can't do it while DH is home. Since it's for him, he can't see it :-) Maybe a picture tomorrow.....