Saturday, January 25, 2025


 This year has already brought along some finishes as well as a little work on WIPs that were seriously neglected.  

Topic of the month: "tell about your oldest work in progress"
For me, I found a surprise while cleaning up. Years ago I was a Creative Circle and a Creative Expressions representative. I loved the job but hated selling the items at the parties. I was happier when I was just teaching stitching. It was fun. Well anyhow, I came across a few things from days gone by, including a crewel and stamped piece called "Inn Keepers Sign" complete with frame. It's a toss up between that and Northwoods Stocking that I started about the same time. I can't remember which came first. Northwoods Stocking was a pattern that came out of Cross Stitch and Country Crafts premier magazine (I think). It actually got some work done on it last year. Now I can't wait to get back to it again. I stopped when I found that I had made I mistake, swearing I would get back to it as soon as I could. That was how many years ago? LOL

Now, on to my progress for this month...
Curtis Boehringer's Needlewoman's Murder Mystery got some love this year. It was the first number called for WIPGO.

After 3 days    

I love the Lanarte Romantic Picnic, but haven't made any real progress on it. With that said, I will be working on this one until to get my 3 days in.


Still working on this one.

Friday, January 24, 2025

January Eggs

 Not much for finishes this year, but 2 eggs are better than none. Now, just to really finish them into eggs would be fantastic. These are from the January 2024 Secret Needle Night Kit. I really love working with unusual threads so I will continuing to get the kits. I have decided to do a few this year.

I'll start with the WIP that should be done in a couple of days (depending on my workload), then go on to the two finishes. I just can't seem to get enough of these kits from The Silver Needle!

The Striped One

The Basket Egg


Monday, January 06, 2025

First Finish of 2025

 My first finish of the year - Calico Crossroads - Kats by Kelly "St. Patty Kat". This is the 4th piece of the series I've finished and was started in February of 2024. Now all I need to do is wash and press it, then put it in it's frame for an easy FFO. One more to cross off the more recent WIP list. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

WIPocalypse 2025 Kick-Off

 This is my first time participating in WIPocalypse, so I will start out with an introduction. I go by the name Tweezle. It was a name given to me back in the 80's by my then boyfriend's close friend. He called me Tweeze all the time and the name just stuck. 

I have stitched since I was a child. Mom started me on embroidery first then cross stitch, counted cross stitch and then crewel embroidery. She also started me on crochet when I was about 5 and knitting a couple of years later. There were many other crafts sprinkled throughout my life, but counted cross stitch, knitting and crochet are the ones that I have stayed with.

I worked as a model stitcher since the mid 80's and have enjoyed working with some great shops as well as amazing designers. I've also proof-read charts, test knitted and crocheted items and did proof-reading both knit and crochet patterns as well. Now, it will pick up a test here and there, but I'm basically retired. It got to the point where I was no longer loving the needlearts and hating the deadlines. I put that aside for awhile and then my eyes went bad. I guess it was just in time. 

My project list is forever changing. In fact, I just pulled another set of patterns off my list. I've decided to scrap Curtis Boehringer's The Needlewoman Murder Mystery in 13 Chapters. I'm just not enjoying it at all. So off to the Pulled List it goes. 

It was my start and focus piece for this year, but after putting 5 days of stitching in, I decided it was time to make room for things I love. 


After 5 days

I have passed the requirement for WIPGO, so I can mark that off and I've put my time in for my focus piece on WIP Warriors. It's been stated that I've wasted my time, but I really haven't. It helped me to come to a conclusion that this one needs to move on. Now I have more time for something else.

My next piece for WIPGO is Lanarte's Romantic Picnic (Stoney Creek). It's being stitched on white linen and it's not as easy to work on as it once was. This one will certainly take some time with my crappy eyesight. 

Next on the WIPGO Board

What I Will Be Working On In 2025
  1. Kustom Krafts Sofa Cat
  2. Happy Everything
  3. Noah's Ark
  4. PV May
  5. The Frosted Pumpkin Artic Animals Club
  6. CWC Hummingbird Garden
  7. KK Fire & Ice
  8. L&L Celtic Spring
  9. The Baby
  10. BC Snappers
  11. Lanarte Romantic Picnic
  12. Dimensions Magic In Motion
  13. The Sweetheart Tree - Olde English Needleroll
  14. French Calendar
  15. Northwoods Stocking
  16. Dimensions A Bird for All Seasons
  17. Sunset Gettysburg
  18. The Silver Lining - Aymers Amber Rose
  19. KK Four Horses of Apocalypse
  20. Curtis Boehringer's The Needlewoman Murder Mystery
  21. Marty Bel''s Hideaway Cottage
  22. Marquoir Mystery Sampler
  23. Just Nan Last Stitches
  24. Creative Circle Inn Keeper's Sign (stamped)
  25. The Sweetheart Tree Teenie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung
I'm looking forward to whittling down this WIP list. I can't wait to see what others are doing!

Great meeting you. Now, off to whip my WIP list into shape (I know - Boo Hiss!)

Saturday, January 04, 2025

New Tablet for Pattern Keeper


I've done it. I ordered a tablet for multiple reasons, but the big one was for trying Pattern Keeper. I've heard so much about this app that I went searching for tablets. I finally settled on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 11". It's on sale at Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart, so I thought it was time to finally purchase a tablet to not only be used with Pattern Keeper, but also replace my Kindle Fire and my very outdated Nook. I also play a handful of games that I may also install on it, but that's about all I plan on using it for. 

I have a few full coverage patterns that I'm really hoping will work well with it. There a few HAED and Artecy ones as well as a couple I bought from Etsy. Fingers crossed. It would be nice not having to manually count stitches or keep track of hours. I always seem to screw up on that. 

Now I must patient wait for it to arrive.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Happy New Year!

 Here we are - in 2025. I still can't wrap my head around how that happened. Where did all the time go?! I know I'm not the only one that has commented on how quickly the year has went by. Good-bye 2024. There's so much of you that I won't miss! 

I'm looking forward to this year. Plans include a No-Buy year for yarn and pretty much the same for Cross Stitch. Cross stitch won't be as strict, because I'll be needed threads, beads and possibly other supplies to finish my projects. I am enjoying the idea of working from stash. I want to complete the projects I have going and as a reward, I think I will have my large pieces framed - maybe even professionally. I've only paid for a couple of pieces in the past to be framed. Unfortunately, although I loved the finished pieces, my LNS who did a gorgeous job has since moved to another state. I've been putting off sending my things to Michaels or Hobby Lobby, just because of all the tales I've hear about the chain craft stores. I need to do some research before I do decide where to take them. 

Professionally framed by 
BushMountain Stitchery
Someone asked me a bit ago why I have so many OLD WIPS. Well,  it just sort of happened. I would be working on something that I liked for myself and then I'd get a model stitching job, and that personal project would be put aside. Then when I'd send the model back to the designer, I might have a gift that needed worked on or just not feeling like picking the set aside piece back at the moment. After a while, those pieces just piled up. Honestly - I really don't like starting a new piece. There's something about finding the right spot to start, getting the first hour of stitching correct before I start feeling it and wanting to continue. Weird, isn't it?!