Thursday, July 21, 2005

Movies, Image hosted by and more.....

Tuesday night wasn't a good night to knit. Actually, it was the day that I started the hood that wasn't a great night to knit. I did the base row correctly, but the next row I was to increase, and didn't. Ten inches later I discovered the mistake and had to Image hosted by it all the way back to the beginning. How on earth could I have missed it?! Well, after reading it all over again, the directions say to st st for X(X,X,X), X(X,X,X)" and then says" increase X(X,X,X), X(X,X,X) on the first row...." well, I missed this part entirely. Seems it is out of order, but if I had been a good girl and reread the instructions, I wouldn't be in this mess, now would I?! So, I'm now up to 4" again.

I had to make a trip to the nursing home to see Dad yesterday and find out what was going on there. They've decided to discontinue his therapy because he can't put any weight on his leg, but just a couple of days before they called and wanted his artificial leg brought down. When I got there, he said they were sending him home. HUH? He can't walk or anything and with a broken hip, I couldn't believe they would consider us able to take care of him. Well, we found out - and again, it was a breakdown of communication. The nurses were told he was being discharged, but that was from therapy, and not the home. They couldn't do anything more with him because he wasn't healing fast enough. Of course, this was after a good 20 minutes of the nurse calling around and trying to find info out. However, that was yesterday, and it can still change - happens a lot there...

Yesterday afternoon, I got the impulse to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so I got hold of Dh and asked if he'd want to take the kids. We had just enough time to get ready, pick him up from work and make the last matinee showing. The kids loved it and so did I! Dh on the other hand is an ol' poop, so his opinion doesn't count :-) I was a little bit skeptical about a remake - I mean, who could do Willie Wonka better than Gene Wilder? Silly me... Johnny Depp brought so much more to the character than I could have ever wanted. He's just fantastic! He gave Willie the eccentric personality that I had imagined when I read the book (over and over and over again as a child). And the set... it was awesome! Leave it to Tim Burton to do wonderful things to bring my childhood favorite to life. This is a must see to anyone who loves Ronald Dahl, Tim Barton, Johnny Depp, or just wants to smile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say I'm curious about the movie and I adore Johnny Depp :) Gene Wilder just creeped me out!