Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Wahoo! The Fridge Works!

Life is good! We now have a working fridge :-)

and even more excitement.....

I went out to the mailbox to find this package of goodies! I was the lucky winner of 3 towels from Mary "elfinthemist". Thank you so very, very much, Mary!!! I've got a few ideas of what I want to do with these, and am so anxious to get my obligation knitting done so I can start.

Towels are always so neat - they look so nice in the house, and don't require any extra finishing - plus they always seem to be a welcomed gift from everyone who gets them. I like to tuck one in a basket of goodies every now and then.

Next is my update on the Iowa Cruise Socks that I'm making for DS. The are progressing but not nearly as fast as I'd like. They are in a turquoise color, although you really can't see it in this picture. I've got 6 1/2" of the 8 inches of the ribbing done. I seem to go so slowly on it.

I'm using Plymouth Galway on casine needles. They are ok, but I'm wanting a longer and more pointy tip. For straight knitting they are OK, but switching back and forth from k to p, I'm finding it more difficult to pull my yarn in. I knit the contential way - can't throw the yarn if my life depended on it! LOL

Finally a progress report and picture of the Lion Brand Hooded Sweater. I'm using the recommend Homespun. I laid it all out to see what it's going to look like, and I really like the colors. DD on the other hand has gotten out of her pink phase, so I don't know how this will be received. Not only that, but I bought more pink in a chunky to make a warm sweater/jacket for her. There's not enough to make a bigger one for me, so I guess she'll just have to deal :-)

Anyhow, the picture show's a difference between the sleeves and the hood, but it's just the light from the flash. There's not really any color difference there.

I'm half way on the hood, then all that's left to do is the edging and a pocket. I haven't decided if I want to put a pocket on yet. Her last one didn't have one, and I'm not sure she'd really use it. Or if she does, with this yarn, I'm wondering how much it will stretch. And will it go back to it's original shape or look awful?


Sasha Farina said...

how big is the sweater? LOL.. if she doesn't like it, you can send it to me LOL

Kate said...

What a CUTE sweater! Looks like a pretty quick project, too, even with the extra step of making the hood.