Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Last Day of 2006

Here it is - the last day of 2006!! The last couple of weeks have gone so quickly. I sit amazed wondering how we got through the whole year so fast. I guess that's just letting you know how old I'm getting :D

The kids got out their lists of what they wanted to accomplish this year and saw all that they did get done. The list is never to be looked at as failures of what wasn't done, but what things did get accomplished instead. Both are pleased with the things they did do. Now they are starting their long lists for next year. It's always fun going over them for all of us!

This will be my last update for this year. I'm a bit farther now than when I did the scan, but this is were I was just a couple of days ago. This is Pam Kellogg's "Winterlude" and came from a CraftSoft kit. Now I wish I had purchased the other seasons from this set.

I just love the colors on this piece, and the scene reminds me of a place I used to spend many hours at as a child.

My finishes for 2006:
1. Bent Creek - May Snapper
2. Lizzie Kat - I Love My Dog
3. Dimensions - Moonlit Play
4. Hinzeit - Father Charmed Mini Block
5. Margaret Sherry - Feeling Uplifted
6. Handblessings - Oak Leaf Bookmark
7. Susan Gastler - May Teapot
8. Calico Crossroads - KBK Monthly Cats - December In the Bag
9. Lizzie Kate - Cherish Dream Live
10. Dimensions - Hang in There
11. Just Nan - Crystal Heart
12. Stefani Martin - Covered Bridge Spring
13. Rex Enterprises Ltd. - Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
14. Calico Crossroads - KBK Monthly Cats - January Happy New Year
15. Marilyn Levette Imblume - 2002 Christmas Freebie
16. Bent Creek - February Snapper
17. Dragon Dreams - Winter
18. Artecy - Autumn Kitten Bookmark
19. Jeanette Crews Designs - Pay the Piper Mug

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Christmas is gone

We had a wonderful Christmas and I got lots of nice presents, including a BAP called "The Baby" by Harrison Fisher from Marri. It's from The Cross Stitch Pattern Gallery The kids were pleased with everything they got, and DS is enjoying one of his now. He got his wish and is now at Winter Retreat. DD goes next month, and she can't wait!

I keep wondering where the time goes. Already, another Christmas has gone, and we are heading for a new year. This week is a time for lots of reflection for me. I look at all that has been done, what should have been done, and what could have been done. Then I look forward to what I want to do. A new year with new goals.

I completed my two gifts for the kids. DD's bookmark was finished in plenty of time, and it's a good thing, too, because I came across a mug insert I was doing for DS and needed to squeeze that in as well.

Here is the finished Autumn Kitten Bookmark by Artecy:

And here is the finished mug insert for DS. It's called Pay the Pipers by Jeanette Crews Designs:

I really thought I was keeping good records of what I had started, wanted to start and where my stash was, until I found some WIPS that I forgot I had. OK, I'm not as together as I thought, and I'm really deluding myself that I can keep everything together. So, I've decided to take the 50 project challenge and wipe out some of my stash and wips.

So here's the start of my 50 Project Challenge that will begin on New Year's Day....

Exceptions for me will be:
1. gift certificates for stash
2. threads or beads (if I run out) to complete something
3. Silkweaver's FoM that DH got for me. If I unsub, I won't be able to get this offer again as Tracey discontinued it.
4. Possible fabric purchase to stitch the BAP that Marri got me. (Thanks Marri!!!)

I've decided to start a list of the finishes I'd like to accomplish in 2007.....

1. Bent Creek - Monthly Snappers - January
2. Kats by Kelly Monthy Minis - February
3. HoHRH - House #7
4. Pam Kellogg - Winterlude
5. Marquoir Story - Part 4
6. Pam Kellogg - Cinnamon Bear
7. Wizzers - Birdhouse Windchime
8. Breast Cancer fund – From the Heart Needle Roll
9. Diane Arthurs – Happy Everything
10. House Mouse – Apple Seeds
11. Pat Rogers – Hearts & Lace Sampler
12. SanMan Originals - Blooms
13. Sweetheart Tree – Jan. Needle Roll (needs some frogging)
14. Sweetheart Tree – Teenie Tweenies – Spring Has Sprung
15. Teresa Wentzler – Stretch
16. HIH Monthly Mania - February
17. The Drawn Thread - Winter Spot
18. Mirabilia - 1996 Holiday Cherub

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Project Challenge and Bookmark Update

One of the groups I'm in has decided to start a project challenge. I've seen it on other boards and groups, but I've been ignoring it, just because of the holidays coming up. I didn't want to make any commitments until closer to the end of the year. Well, the end of the year is almost here, so I'm joining in with this group. I haven't decided if I want to do the 10 project or 25 project commitment. I want to do the 10, because it's easier - but I really need to do the 25. I think if I made the 25 project commitment, I'd actually go out and buy myself some nice stash as a reward. I'd deserve it then! :)

DD's bookmark WILL be finished for Christmas. I'll tell you, there were nights as I frogged, that I really wondered if I would see a finish. I'm about 75% done now...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Two Finishes and updated WIP pic

I finally have two finishes to report. First, Dragon Dreams "Winter" just came off the q-snaps, so it has wrinkles, but I wanted to get it up to share. He has been stitched on 32 ct. hand-dyed linen that is supposed to look like sky - unknown brand. The larger flakes are stitched in Rainbow Gallery PB10 - much like Kreinik's 032. It sparkles so much, but is all lost in the picture - just like the color difference in the "sky" fabric.

Next is an old piece from my FO box - Just Nan's Glorious Wings "Glory". I finally got her framed and she is now up and hanging in her temp. home in the hall. Here is another one that you really need to see in person to see the sparkle. It's double matted with brushed gold and burgundy color mats.

The Autumn Kitten Bookmark is now at about 65% finished. I'm getting excited seeing how it's turning out, and I so want to get it finished!!! I should post an update, but getting to do it with DD around is next to impossible. Maybe tomorrow....

Last, but not least, is my Marquoir Story. As you probably noticed, I finally got the software installed so I can now download our pics from the camera. So, here's the belated part 3 that I finished last month.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Stitching Away...

Today's the last day of deer season, so my nice leisurely Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays will be no more. Bummer. I was really enjoying sitting and stitching with DD and watching movies.

I put almost 5 hours into "Celtic Spring". I still have part of the swirl on the bottom of the robe to do yet, but have moved on to the gown. It is turning out so nicely (IMHO) . I'm enjoying the stitching on this one as well as Vermillion's "The Holy Family". Each of these will be hard to put away to stitch on the other. I may just end up with 2 focus pieces. :)

Dragon Dream's "Winter" is all done except for a few snowflakes. I'm not enjoying them for some reason. Maybe it's the double strand of RG that I'm using in place of the Kreinik 032. It's feeling like a chore, so I'm just doing a snowflake or two, then moving on to something else.

Artecy's Autumn Kitten has hit it's half way point. I honestly can't believe it's taking so long to stitch. I guess between the confetti stitches and working on it so late at night (causing that dang ol' frog to visit!) is the problem. After seeing how he looks now, I'm quite pleased. I've never done an Artecy pattern before - even though I've been a member for a while. They've always intimidated me.
Now, off to get a little more stitching done before I have to make dinner.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Update on my Dad - Thank you!!!

I want to thank everyone for all their prayers and well wishes for my father. They worked! His biopsy came back ok and they operated on him yesterday. They took out the growth and the dr. said it looks like it may have been precancerous. It was sent to the lab to check to make sure, but he's pretty positive there won't be any cancer treatments required. YEAH!!! They did a reconstruction on his bowel, and he won't need a bag. The first thing Dad asked was what they did to him. He was so worried that was the route they would have to take. Now he will be in the hospital another week or so to heal. Again, thank you all for your warm thoughts and prayers.

19 Days Until Christmas

Time is going so quickly! Luckily, most of the presents are purchased and just last minute little things will need to be picked up - as I'm sure I've forgotten something. I started a bookmark for DD. It's called Autumn Kitten by Artecy, but I'm not nearly as close to being finished as I want to be. I can only work on it at night after she goes to bed, and she's been up later than normal working on her literature assignments plus she's been worried about Dad. So when she finally is in bed, I can pull out the bookmark, but by then I'm beat, making for some rough nights of stitching - and usually frogging. I was so drawn to this, as it looks just like our Frisky that died this fall.

Patterns Online is having a sale this month. They are offering select winter and Christmas patterns at 15% off. I had 3 in my wishlist (well, actually more) that qualified, so they found their way to their new home on my PC. I purchased Dragon Dreams "Winter" (an exclusive for PO), Cecilia Votta's "Merry Christmas" and Sudberry House's "Snow Globes". I've been working on "Winter" and have the dragon finished except for a little bit of back stitching. I still have the wording and the snowflakes to go, but he'll soon be done. He is turning out really cute! I should be posting a picture of it soon.

Miniature Chefs

The guys were out hunting on Monday, so DD was home alone with me all day. She scooted me out of the kitchen and wouldn't let me near it. That little sweetie decided to surprise me and bake my favorite cookies - Chocolate Crinkles!! She received lots of rave reviews, not only from me, but from the guys when they got home.

The kids both can cook and bake very well. At ages 13 and 15, they usually astonish everyone when they show up with dishes to pass at the holiday events or family reunions. DS loves to bake cheesecakes - NY style and my grandmother's are his favorites. DD is a cookie and cake person. This Thanksgiving, we were invited to my brother's, and he invited some of his friends. DS make a NY Style cheesecake and some Oatmeal Scotchie cookies, and DD made a green bean casserole, a mayo cake with cooked fudge frosting, and butter brickle cookies to take. The looks on the guests faces when they found out that the dessert was made by the kids - and then to find out it was all from scratch?!!! AHHH... Astonishment would be way too mild. I'm pretty sure the astonishment because they were expected to eat it :-) The guests were reluctant to take any - but when they did, they came back for more, even after the huge dinner. And the kids, well, they love it. They love the reactions that they get, and the praises are very appreciated as well. LOL

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December!!

Where has the time gone? It seems like I was just preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday and now it's already December! Even with the holiday, I did get a tiny bit of stitching done.

My November goals were:
Bent Creek - February Snapper - finished
CC KBK - Jan. Calendar Cat - finished
DH's Boot Socks - turning the heel on sock #2
HoHRH - House #7 - nope
Mariquor Mystery Sampler finish Pt. 3 - finished
MLI - finish 2002 Ornament Freebie - finished
Mystery - catch up - 1-20 finished
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays - nope

Mind you, it really looks like a lot, but almost everything was near being finished when they were put away. It was the reward I needed getting a few finishes under my belt this past month. I also got a chance to put in 9 hours on "The Holy Family" by Vermillion Stitchery. It is a lovely piece that I so graciously adopted from Janet. This is how far Janet was:

Image hosted by
by tweezle

and this is where I'm at 9 hours later:

Image hosted by
by tweezle

I have one more hour in my rotation yet, but I may just keep working on this one. It's such an enjoyable stitch!

Now, for my December goals:

Artecy - Autumn Kitten Bookmark
DH's Boot Socks - finish #2
French Mystery - catch up
HoHRH - House #7
L&L - Celtic Spring - 10 hours rotation
Sweetheart Tree - In the Meadow Knob Knocker
TW - Under the Evergreen - Mondays
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family

December is the month of reflection for me. It's a time of looking at all the rewards of the past year and hopes of the new year to come. This past year was a year with a few trials - one of which we are facing now and I so wish we weren't. My Dad is in the hospital with a number of growths in his intestines/colon. The small ones were removed, but there is quite a large one that has to be removed by an operation. My father is 81 - soon to be 82 and he's sure this is going to be the end - or at least the beginning of the end. The biopsy results will determine how things will go, and I am praying that they are negative for cancer. He's had such a difficult road these past few years, and I'm praying that this time things will go his way. I would appreciate any prayers or healing thoughts for him.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Small Finish

I finally finished the 2002 Freebie from MLI tonight. Hmmmm... let's see... she's been on my monthly goals for quite a while now, but she did get done before the end of the year. YIPEE!!!

Image hosted by
by tweezle

I removed their halos and made it into a mother and child piece instead. I had to shorten up the right side of the bottom border to compensate for the missing halo - the gap was huge otherwise. I wish I could have captured the sparkle this piece has. The picture doesn't do it justice at all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Been A Long Road To Find My Way Back

We had a computer meltdown - it was slow and painful that ended with a crashed-and-burned hard drive. Data was lost and I had to start back from scratch. Why no back-up? Ahhh - I knew you would ask. Every time we tried to back up the pc, it would crash and we couldn't get our data onto a disk. We got some, but not enough of everything. So, everything had to be rebuilt, redone, and reinstalled on the new system.

One good thing - I now have a wonderful new PC - but everything still is not loaded in. Some things will never be found again, but that is life with a computer. I think the saddest part was I lost all my contact information with friends - emails aren't easy to get back and without a PC, one can't always call online friends because some important info is on the pc!

I didn't waste time though, I had my hands full here and it's amazing what one can get done when you aren't online. I still have tons to do, but things I've put on the back burner got started or better yet - finished. :-)

Our family life has changed, and I had to put a lot of things on the wayside - like my stitching because of it. Family must come first, but it's hard sometimes, as I want to stitch much more than I can. I don't have much for updates - in fact, not really anything at all except a this one that I had finished just before the meltdown. It's the second of the monthly series by Kats by Kelly (Calico Crossroads).

Image hosted by
by tweezle

It's great to be back!!!! I'm hoping that this time, my stay is for a long while :-)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I "borrowed" this from a post on the 1-2-3 Stitch board:

Rainbow Bridge: The Crocodile Hunter Arrives...

Rainbow Bridge is a place of both peace and anticipation as departed pets await their beloved owners. There are plenty of things to keep them contented while they wait: trees you can't get stuck in, endless meadows, splashing streams, thickets perfect to hide in for pounce-attack games.

But one day the residents noticed some rather...unusual newcomers arrive.

The koalas and the kangaroos slipped in rather quietly, but then came the bearded dragons, the skinks and the goannas. The influx of snakes startled an entire family of cats up a tree. Pythons, cobras, tiger snakes, brown snakes and even fierce snakes. There were so many at one point, it seemed the ground itself was alive with writhing. A burly wombat shouldered his way through the crowd and plopped down in a shady spot, barely missing a Jack Russell terrier who yapped indignantly as he abandoned his position.

And then the crocodiles showed up.

Finally, a Great Dane managed to get up enough nerve to approach one of the reptillian giants.

"Um....excuse me," he said hesitantly. "But why are you all here?"

The croc dropped her jaw and laughed. "Same as you, mate," she said. "Waitin' for someone who loved us."

The dogs, cats, gerbils and other "typical pets" looked at each other in confusion, then at the plethora of weird, ugly and downright deadly creatures assembled. Who on Earth could possibly love some of those faces?

"I see him!" shouted a green mamba from his vantage point in one of the trees. A cacophony of squeeks, hisses, bellows and roars erupted as the mob surged forward toward a lone human walking across the field toward the bridge. The other animals managed to catch a glimpse of him before he was overwhelmed by the crowd.

"CRIKEY!" he shouted joyously right before he was bowled over by the wombat.

"Well I'll be," said a Persian as she tidied up her fur. "It's that Aussie my human liked to watch on TV. Had to be the craziest human on the whole planet."

"Oh, please," remarked a echidna as he hurried by. "Is it really that crazy to passionately love something God made?"

Friday, September 08, 2006

Playing Catch-up

I finally got my pictures that I offloaded from my camera resized. Now I can finally post them!! We have been so busy here with renovations, a new year of homeschooling, and back to real cooking again (now that the weather has cooled down). Tomatoes are finally coming in, so that means some canning in the near future. We are anxiously awaiting the for the popcorn to mature and give that a try. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will hold long enough. Never know about our frosts here. The valley here has its own agenda and refuses to listen to the USDA's average frost dates.

I'm posting a few of the projects I finshed and worked on last month. Since I unloaded the camera, I've filled it with quite a few more pictures that need offloaded and resized, so I should be posting them soon to catch up. I'll be posting the last parts of the class, a finished pair of the Maple Leaf Socks from the SAL, and a new start to the boot socks that my DH needs for hunting season. I'm sure there's another thing or two I've forgotten to mention, but can't think of it right now. Until then, I hope you enjoy these.....

Little Hearts Doily Class #3

Little Hearts Doily Class #3
Originally uploaded by jnbsmom.

Wow!! I even learned something new today!! For those that want to try this class or many others that Hass has online, go to: and look under Crochet Along Classes.

Little Hearts Doily Class #2

Little Hearts Doily Class #2
Originally uploaded by jnbsmom.

I'm really enjoying this class, and forgot how much I missed doing filet!

Little Hearts Doily Class #1

Little Hearts Doily Class #1
Originally uploaded by jnbsmom.

I'm taking an online class by Hass Design to brush up on my filet crochet skills. It's been years since I've done filet, so what better way than to take a free class?

Rainbow Granny Afghan

Rainbow Granny Afghan
Originally uploaded by jnbsmom.

This started as a kind of a scrap afghan to use up some of my stash. It ended up in "rainbow" colors that my DD wanted for her room. Alas, we had to go buy some of the missing colors. She is very happy with the finished product. That's all that matters, right? :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life's to do list

I've been so "into" reading everyone's lists, and had to jump on the bandwagon to see what I did compared to everyone else. I shamelessly stole this list from Crochet Dude's blog. :-)

Completed items are in bold print

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said 'I love you' and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game - (We are Penn State!)
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby's diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen an eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 10 provinces or all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your cds
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Posed nude in front of strangers
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for 6 hours straight
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch - (is there any other way?!)
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Dead River
82. Been on television news programs as an "expert"
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Had a one-night stand
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language fluently
95. Performed in aisles at Rocky Horror
96. Raised children.
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. Created and named your own constellation of stars
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an illness that you shouldn't have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Petted a stingray
110. Broken someone's heart
111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Petted a cockroach - (a singing one at the Smithsonian)
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes -yummmmm
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey
135. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read their books.
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - (well... I helped my grandfather butcher the farm animals... I think that counts)
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146: Dyed your hair
147: Been a DJ - (actually a guest DJ for the day)
148: Shaved your head
149: Caused a car accident
150: Saved someone's life

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Crayon Tinted Pumpkin

Crayon Tinted Pumpkin
Originally uploaded by jnbsmom.

New Craft Technique...

I have been faithfully drooling over reading Pam Kellogg's blog and finally tried the Crayon Tinting she describes so well on her blog. I used her pumpkin pattern, and was thrilled with how it turned out!! Thanks Pam! :D

We Survived 4-H!!

All projects are finished, Round-up was successful, and the county fair is over!!! We came home with MANY ribbons and will post more about that later. It was fun, exhausting, and a huge learning experience. The kids can't wait to do it again next year!!We took this past week to recooperate, regroup, and just relax.

DD is home from camp, and today is her last day as a child. Tomorrow she turns into a teen. Where did the time go???

The Princess Bride

I love that movie and was thrilled to see that I ended up being my favorite character! :)

Westley / The Dread Pirate Roberts

Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Good-bye July....Hello August!

July has just disappeared...poof...vanished!!! It went so fast and we were so busy, that I really didn't see it or realize it was almost over until DS's birthday was upon us, and we were stunned that we didn't even do any real birthday shopping for him. We did some scrambling the day before and got just what he wanted. I know we had a busy month, but the realization hit when we asked DS what he wanted to do on his birthday (he always wants to go somewhere!!) and he said he wanted to stay home and relax :)

Round-up is almost here!! The kids have some finishing touches to do on their projects, but for the most part they are done. The go Saturday to be judged, then we'll come home, pick up DD's luggage, and take her to summer camp. I'm praying that the weatherman is correct with the forecast of a change in the weather. Right now they are calling for low 80's which will make it a lovely change and nice weather for her to have a good time. It will also make it nice weather for DS to show "his" goats. He's actually showing his leader's goats, but he's had to take care of them, clip them, and spend time with them. He'll also be milking them while at the fair. He still needs to make a costume for one of the goats. His goat is in a costume contest and he has to wear something to compliment the goat's costume. I can't wait to see this one! :)

A small finish...

With all the running for 4H, I've had to carry portable projects, and I really don't find XS very portable. My carry-alongs are usually knit or crochet smalls. Socks and dishcloths are wonderful to stick in my bag. With that all said, my newest finish is a cute dishcloth I found at Dishcloth Boutique called Ballerina Dishcloth. I used size #10 thread and a size 7 hook. DD took one look at it and wanted this one to add to her hope chest, too. Hmmmm.... I think this girl had better learn to crochet - and soon, too! LOL

Yesterday started another mystery dishcloth at Monthly Dishcloths group. I'm anxiously awaiting the next installment. Yesterday also started a new sock for the Knitting on the Road KAL. The chosen sock is Unst, and I've got my yarn (Kroy 3 ply in Honeysuckle Rose), but want to finish DD's other footie before I start. I think I'll be needing to adjust the size on this sock, as it may be running a little small. I assume I'll have to go up a needle size or two, but then that gauge is a little looser than I'd like for the yarn I've chosen to use. I've never knitted from Nancy Bush's books before, so the one size sock (not in DD's size) is new to me. I'll be gleaning information from other knitters on what they've done. I could always just jump in and knit and rip if it isn't what I want. I'll probably end up doing that since that's the only way to learn. Right? :-)

Monday, July 31, 2006

End Of July Finishes

The week has gone by so fast, and with it, a few end of the month finishes....

First, up is Rodney the Rooster Dishcloth. It was knitted on size 8 needles using Peaches & Creme in an Ecru color.

This next dishcloth is called Dolly the Dolphin and was the July beginning of the month pattern for Monthly Dishcloths group. At the beginning and middle of each month, a new dishcloth pattern is sent to the members. Every day, you will receive a few rows of the pattern until the cloth is finished. It's really quite a fun way to knit up some new cloths! My cloth was knit on size 8 needles using Lily Sugar & Creme in Delft Blue.

My next finish is a pretty crocheted dishcloth using size #10 thread and a size #1 steel crochet hook. I found this pattern in "Old-Time Crochet" magazine in the Spring 1988 issue. It's a nice large cloth that turned out very nicely. My daughter has asked if she could have it to put in her hope chest. Guess that means I'll be making another one for myself! :)

For sock finishes, I have another one! That's two in fingering weight in one month!! That's darned good for me!!! These are my DS's Opal socks. The are knitted using size 3.0mm dpn's and Opal Magic in 1036 colorway. DS loves these socks!! I was really surprised to have them finished so quickly with his size 12 feet!! I was also amazed that I had enough Opal and even left overs enough to make the cuffs another inch (or maybe even more!!) longer.

My last picture for today is the first of my DD's socks. She wanted a short footie, so I looked and found a cute pattern by LynnH called Mom's Fast Florida Footies. I have the first one finished, and am ready to cast on the second. It turned out nicely, but I must say I got tired of purling the sole. I don't care much for purling in the round. I probably put more stress on my hands that I should have, but I so wanted to get rid of the ladders I got on the sole. I don't have any trouble with ladders when I knit, just when I purl. :( I adore her no purl heels - they are really cool!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

It's Monday Already!!

WOW! Time is just moving along!! We've been basically running since last Tuesday. 4H is just sucking our time up, but the kids are loving it. On Wednesday evening, DS had to do a presentation speech and he did a wonderful job, bringing home a blue ribbon as well as being asked to speak at the county Agricultural Banquet! He's been on cloud nine since :D

DD is knitting her heart out. She finished her first scarf (she's started a few, but this is her first finish) and asked if we could go somewhere to buy some yarn. We went to Walmart on Thursday while DS had his goat 4H meeting, and she got some novelty yarn to make a purse and some to make some fuzzy flip-flops. She said they didn't have the yarn she wanted, and wanted to know if we could go to the REAL yarn store to get exactly what she wanted. WooooHoooo!!

Friday was our trip out to finally see "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest". The movie was wonderful!! We certainly all enjoyed it, and by catching the first showing of the day, we pretty much had the theater to ourselves. I think there were maybe 6 other people there. DH took the day off - since he's been working the last few weekends and having some late evenings and early mornings as well. Ah.. the life of a systems analyst.

I made an unplanned stop at a LNS (but not my normal one) and browsed the sale tables as well as all leaflets and threads. Of all times to forget my list!! I purchased a piece of fabric for a needleroll and a bottle of Easy Wash. They also had some 16" circular knitting needles on clearance, so I bought a size 9. Nothing really called my name or blew me away for any impulse buying. Even after fingering all the threads and looking at the models. Could it be I'm finally getting my fill of future projects in my stash? Nah - I'm just looking for more of the "Knock Your Socks off" kinds of leaflets, and I didn't find them there.

My order came in from Needlecraft Corner on Saturday. I got a few wonderful TW's and a My Big Toe leaflet off Drema's clearance section. I added "Peacock Tapestry", "The Story Teller" and "Romeo and Juliet" to my TW collection and all at 1/2 price!! :D

I finally got to get a few stitches in on HoHRH and I really enjoy stitching it. I thought I'd finally get to get some more XS done, since I only have DS's second sock to finish. Wishful thinking on my part! The laundry let me know that we needed more dishcloths, when I found the store bought ones more worn than I thought. So I pulled out the cotton yarn and started some dishcloths. I finally got to try Peaches & Creme's Fiesta Ombre. It makes an bright colored cloth:

Now I'm working on Rodney the Rooster dishcloth using the Peaches & Creme cone cotton in an ecru color. I'm just a bit over half way finished and he's turning out nicely. I also finished the gusset on DS's sock and am now working on the foot. Soon I'll be finished with that!! Two pairs of adult socks (especially one a size 12!!) in less than a month is pretty good for me :-)

Well, off to help DD press her skirt she is making for 4H. Only a couple more weeks before round-up and then we get a nice break before we start our back-to-the-books homeschool routine.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sock Finish + XS & Knitting WIP's Updates

YIPEE!! DD's socks are completed and are now being washed. She loves them, but I have a few issues.... First, the next time I do these, I'll go down one needle size. Even though I'm right on with 8 sts to the inch, these came out a little loose. I used the Narrow Heel from "Custom Fit Socks" by the Fiber Gypsy because DD has a narrow foot, but I'm not happy with how it looks on. I have a concern that the way the heel sits, she will end up with discomfort on the bottom of her heel. (Keeping my fingers crossed). For the gusset, I did a Dec 1 row, K 1 row and that seems to be OK.


My DD was keeping me company the other day, while I was cleaning my room. I came across a skein of a rainbow type of acrylic that I had purchased a while ago to make a scarf for her out of. Well, I didn't get to it (was going to do another diagonal scarf) when she spied it. She begged to make a scarf out of it, and I gave it to her with a pair of size 11 needles thinking that it would turn out like every other scarf she had started. This girl has surprised me totally!!! She has her scarf about half way done and has said that she is really enjoying knitting it!! She has asked that we go to the LYS so she can look at all the new yarns and get ideas to make something else. :-) Need I tell you how thrilled I am?!! LOL

Cross Stitch & Knitting WIP's

I'm on the heel flap now on DS's sock.

I also pulled out my sampler scarf (a freebie from Jackie ES). I'm ready to start pattern #6. I love learning new stitches so this scarf is fun, and easy to pick up after being put away for awhile, because of the different squares.

And now... on the cross stitch front......

My poor XS has been somewhat neglected lately. No much, but some. I love to knit, and enjoy making things that everyone likes to wear, but I still need to XS - it's my first passionate love with knitting coming a very close second. It always seems so hard for me to decide what to stitch or knit next - there's just so much I want to do. Knitting socks is much less expensive than XS - especially when it comes to the cost of finishing, but I don't think anything compares to the beauty of some of the finished XS pieces I've seen. With that all said, I usually have something on my knitting needles at all times and more than one XS piece.

With all that said, here are my update reports for this week:

First is Houses of Hawk Run Hollow... This picture was taken a few days ago, and has been worked on a little bit since. It's a fun stitch that I really enjoy doing, and if I didn't have so many socks to make for winter this year, I'd be stitching it more!! This is house #7

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I've also started Calico Crossroads Kats By Kelly January Calendar Cat. I have the cat almost finished - need to finish stitching a foot and tail. I'm toying with changing the 2006 on the hat so that it works for displaying for every year, but haven't come up with anything yet that would logically work with the size of the hat.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

We Have Baby Monarchs!!!

I've been growing butterfly weed that held no real attraction for the butterflies. A couple of years ago, I found a rogue milkweed plant in my flowerbed, and was thrilled to see it growing there. DH wanted me to pull the "weed" out, and I refused. Well, last year it bloomed and multiplied - having a second plant, and it was covered with all kinds of butterflies and bugs. It drew in so many insects and the hummingbirds loved it. It was wonderful watching all the lovely species that the plant supported. But no Monarchs - and no babies....

This year, the milkweed multiplied into 10 plants (I think some started from seed, some going over 6 feet tall! And the smell is wonderful!!! Then I noticed we had a few Monarchs visit. This morning I found 2 very tiny babies - about 1/8" of an inch!!! It will be so exciting watching their life cycle right in our own yard!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cool Air & Happy Mail Day!!

Life just can't get any better than this!! DH surprised us and installed 2 air conditioners for us last night!!!! It has been such a shock to our systems, especially being able to sleep and feeling just a bit chilly. Ahhhhh - life is sooooo good :-)

Then today, my order arrived 6 days earlier than they stated, so now I can finally join in on the Nancy Bush SAL's that I've been drooling over (see side bar). I know, I know.... I need to join in another SAL like I need another hole in my head. BUT those socks are soooo pretty!! So now "Knitting on the Road" and "Knitting Vintage Socks" are permanent members of my growing sock knitting library. I've thumbed through both books, but really want to sit down and read them, especially the Vintage Socks. There's a wonderful history at the beginning that HAS to be read, and will be tonight after the kids go to bed.

I ordered some Autumn Trekking for the Maple Leaf Sock SAL. I've seen some pictures of socks knitted using this color, and they look gorgeous! I can't wait to see it in person, and I know that pictures never do the yarn justice. I've never used Trekking, so this is going to be a real treat to use a new yarn.

Sock Knitting Progress

I've been knitting both socks to try to get them done close to the same time for the kids. I've just started the heel flap on DD's sock, and have about 1-1/2" to go on DS's sock before I start his heel flap. I'll probably finish the flap on DD's then go back to DS's sock.

And this can all be done in a nice cool house. Life is soooooo good! :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Your Dosha is Kapha

Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger.
However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down.
You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding.
Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are.

With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk

In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single.

To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments.
Socks Seeking Mates

I sat down last night and made a nice long post including pictures..hit enter and "POOF!"... all gone :-( I had to choose the time that Blogger did their scheduled downtime. And what's worse is, I usually copy before I post. I didn't do that last night either. So, I'm trying again.....

I finished the first of DS's Opal socks on the 10th. It came out nicely. I scanned it, but as you can see, the thing is so big that it won't fit all the way on. They are for a size 12 foot, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will have enough yarn to finish the other. I've already started the second sock, so we will soon see.

I also finished the first of DD's socks yesterday. It was so much smaller and a nice quick knit next to DS's!! I used Knit Pick's Simple Stripe in Sunset, and I love the colors, but the yarn is not as soft as the Opal. I'm anxious to see how these wear, and if they soften any after a few washings.

I still need to cast on DD's second sock. I've found that knitting both DS's and DD's socks at the same time keep things much more interesting. I am anxious to get these off the needles so the kids can start wearing them.

I don't have much to report on my XS. I got a little more done on the Houses of Hawk Run Hollow, but right now it looks like I'll be keeping to 1 square a month. I'm picking up a model stitching job and the design should be ready next month. It has a nice amount of time before it's due back, so it won't cut into my obligation stitching or the holiday. More than likely, though, I'll get it and won't be able to put it down until it's finished. :) However, at this point, lighting is an issue. My stitching light is broken, and I need to get another one to replace it. I do miss it!! That's probably another reason why I'm knitting now. I don't need the bright light I do for stitching.

DS had a great time at camp, but came back with a serious cold, as well as a great attitude!! That boy has changed and grown up quite a bit over the past week. I hope it stays that way, and I really hope that the same thing happens with DD.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another Sock

Here's my progress on the sock I'm doing for DD:

I'm using KnitPicks Simple Strips in Sunset. DD is loving the colorway, and I'm at about the middle of the foot now.

DS's sock is ready to decrease for the toe. He tried it on this morning, and is very pleased with it. Sure does warm a momma's heart! :)

Friday, July 07, 2006

I LOVE Fridays!!

I've always loved Fridays. It was the ending of a week that held promise of something either fun or exciting would happen over the next day or two. As a child, it meant that we'd be going to my grandmother's farm, where I would spend my time exploring the woods, ponds, and fields. Then when I'd come in from a long, hard day of being in tune with nature, my grandmother would have the most wonderful food waiting to be eaten. Oh, the smells of that house!!! Nothing was as good as Grandma's cooking!! What I wouldn't give for one more of her meals.

Teen years promised dances, dates, school sports, and so many great times with friends. I don't think I sat still one moment during those years. Now, as a mom, my time is spent differently. Fridays promise a quiet night of knitting or cross stitching and watching episodes of Monk. The weekend is spent doing all the things we couldn't do or get finished during the week. It's still enjoyable and great family time, as it's time we all spend with DH. Sadly, he's been working quite a few weekends, so we see even less of him, making all of us look forward to Fridays so much more.

How Many Patterns?

So tell me, how many patterns are too many? Why do we need more when we have ones in our stash that aren't stitched yet? Designers complain that they don't sell enough to stay in business, but I know for a fact that almost every stitcher has patterns waiting to be stitched. How would that designer do if we all bought as we needed, instead of purchasing when we wanted? I know that I focus on a designer and collect all their designs knowing full well that I'll never stitch them all in my lifetime.

And socks!! How many sock patterns does one need? :-) I own all Dawn Brocco's Heels & Toes Gazettes, a couple of socks books, and tons of free patterns I got off the net. So why do I want more? I have an wish list that has lots of great books listed that I'd love to add to my library, including a couple more sock books. Do I use these all? Actually - yes. I haven't knitted them all yet, and may never get them all done, but I use them as resources. I'm always looking for the perfect heel pattern, and I get lots of ideas for technique. One little hint found in the directions of a pattern makes it worth owning another book!

Seasonal needlecrafts?

I rotate my needlecrafts depending on the weather. From January to about June, I pretty much do nothing but cross stitch. Then from about July on until December, I do mostly knitting and a few crochet projects thrown in here and there. After December, I relax and stitch things that I would love to do, but haven't been able to because of obligation stitching. I take my time and just focus on the enjoyment of doing anything that I'd like. DH considers XS as one of those crafts that don't serve any purpose (except keep me sane!) LOL

When we hit the summer months, I start thinking about the cool weather and what the kids and DH are going to need to keep warm. Now is the time that the sock needles come out. I adore the self-patterning yarns, and love seeing those socks grow! Then, there's all the mittens, hats and scarves that seem to want to be made as well. I don't know why I love doing all of those projects. Maybe it's because you can really explore color and texture, and never have to make the same item again. Maybe it's also the size - they're small enough to actually get done in a reasonable amount of time.

Wool Socks? Are you kidding?

DH was so against socks made from wool. He was NEVER going to wear a pair of wool socks. I told him it was OK with me. I made the first pair for my DS. He has always been so sensitive to fabrics and detergents, so he was the one to try them on. (I'm a mean, mean Mommie, aren't I?) DS LOVED them and asked for more. He didn't break out or itch, and that caught DH's attention. I made more for DS and then some for DD. They went nuts over the socks, telling me they didn't want store bought any more. Hmmmm - DH became really interested. Then I made DS his first pair of thick wool socks for wintertime. DS LOVED them and wanted more. DH couldn't stand it any longer and asked for a pair to try. I said that I couldn't do it, because he'd never wear wool... evil grin.... Hey - I had to rub it in. He'd do the same for me!!! LOL So, DH got his first pair, and now I have standing orders of thick socks for winter wear, and he's really wanting to try a thinner pair for normal wear now. I have a sock on the needles for him now, but ended up ripping them back to the cuff and reworking the pattern some.

We've gone from all things acrylic (I hate acrylic slipper socks - feet sweat something awful in them!) to almost everything wool. I still use acrylic for charity stitching - it's required for the premies and some of the shelters for the homeless. Otherwise, we use wool. Oh, not totally. I still use the acrylic for afghans. It wears like steel and the way kids abuse them and the amount of washing they go through, it's almost necessary :-)

Now off to work on my DS's sock. I have about an inch more to go, then I stop and wait to measure him tomorrow to make sure I can start the toe shaping.
Have a great Friday!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

June Goals & Accomplishments and a Sock Start!!!

June seemed to fly for us. (But anymore, time itself seems to go by so quickly!) I did a few finishes and met some of my goals for this month.

June goals were:
Bent Creek February Snapper
LK - Cherish Dream Live
CSC - Aragorn
Dimensions - Hang In...
Mariquor Mystery Sampler Pt. 3
MLI - 2002 Christmas freebie
Mystery - catch up
SM - Covered Bridge Spring
TW - Under the Evergreen on Mondays

June accomplishments:
CSC - Aragorn finished
SM - Covered Bridge Spring finished
JN - Crystal Heart finished
Dimensions - Hang In... finished
CC - KBK In the Bag Dec. Monthly finished
LK - Cherish Dream Live finished
Mystery - completed 6 blocks
MLI - 2002 Christmas freebie 80% finished
CHS - Houses of Hawk Run Hollow started!!

The camera isn't available at the moment, so I scanned my mystery sampler in - just the new blocks that are done. These are blocks 8-15 (15 is started):

I started HoHRH and I'm on block #7. I've got quite a bit of the border done, about half of all the hills, the first of the four houses, and I've started the second one. I would love to keep working on the piece, but I have it on scroll rods, and it is huge, and in the way of everyone. This limits my time being able to stitch it. So I only have a little time in the morning. That's ok though, as it's a nice time to stitch - when I'm fresh and no one else is awake. It's just me, the beautiful fabric, and the most gorgeous silks. It's a piece of heaven every morning!!

It's also that time of year that I need to start thinking about socks and mittens. I started a pair of socks for DS using Opal Magik. I'm going to have to stop soon, as I'm getting close to where I really need to measure DS's feet to make sure he hasn't grown any. I'll have to wait until Saturday - when he comes home from summer camp.

DS wears a size 12 shoe, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have enough Opal to do both socks. I've considered going to the LYS to see if I can match an Opal Solid to do the toes (just in case!)

I have an order from Knitpicks that's on its way. According to the website, I should expect it on Monday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it comes earlier. I bought some merino to make slipper socks a couple of extra in case DD wants a pair as well. If not, I'm going to use it for either socks or a diagonal scarf and mittens. Plus I purchased enough self-striping yarn to make 5 pairs of socks. That should keep me busy for a little bit.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

WIP Wednesday Report

I can't believe it's almost the end of the month already. WOW! Time sure is going fast. The kids have a lot of 4-H activities that are keeping everyone busy, and now that my phlebitis has calmed down some, I'm getting back in the taxi service mode again. The do the 4-H activies a little strange here (IMHO anyhow). The main meetings started in March, and then most of the activities the kids signed up for started after school let out. They have 1-2 months to complete all the required work before Round-up the first part of August. That's a lot of running and a lot of meetings to attend in a small amount of time. The kids are loving the schedule, though, so I can't complain.

With doing that and getting everything around to take to the school district, I haven't had as much time to stitch this week. I did get 3 squares done on the French mystery sampler. That makes 11 out of 26 posted ones finished (today a new one was posted). I'm so far behind. I should be at the half way point now, but I'm only near 1/4th of the way. Ah well, that's what happens when life gets in the way. And to catch up - one can only stitch so much purple before the need for a change. :-)

I'm also working on MLI's 2002 freebie. I only have to do the bottom of the baby, and her dress plus outlining and beading. I'm going to have to modify the right side since I am removing the halo. I really do enjoy working with MLI's Needlepaints. This is the first project I've used them on, and I must say, they are soooo nice.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


The post office called me Friday afternoon to let me know that an Express package had just been delivered, and I needed to come pick it up or wait until Saturday for it to be delivered. An Express package? For ME?!!! It must have been a mistake. She said, "Nope - It's for you." I grabbed the kids and out the door I went. I had no clue what it must be.

I got home with the package, sat down on the sofa and opened it. It was from Felicia, and she sent me the most wonderful surprise!!! I still can't believe that she would do such a fantastic thing! She sent me the pattern for The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow AND ALL the silks to stitch it!!!! Nothing could have prepared me for what was inside this package!! I never dreamed that I would ever get a chance to stitch this pattern. DH just wouldn't hear of a pattern costing that much and then add the silks??!! HA!

Even if I could have talked DH into the pattern, I would most certainly have used DMC and a cheap evenweave. Now, I'll be stitching an heirloom, and I showed DH what Felicia sent, and said the fabric has to be nice, because I'm using silk. Well he didn't argue (this time), so I emailed my LNS and made sure she had the linen. She let me know she had a lot of cheaper alternatives as well, but I really am going to get a very nice piece of linen because this piece has gained so much more meaning now. I'm planning on stitching it, framing it nicely and putting the lovely story on the back of the piece. Felicia will go down with me in my family history :-) Now all I need to do is pick up a few model stitching jobs to pay for the framing!!

I'm still blown away by this wonderful gift. I can't convey how much I appreciate Felicia's generosity. She's one in a million!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Another 2 finishes

Aragorn is finally finished. Nothing else got in the way - no obligation stitching, no family demands, nothing. It was just me and Aragorn until the end.

Here he is, stitched on 32ct. Autumn Fields hand-dyed Belfast Linen:

Now, to find the perfect frame. I think I'm going to look for something rustic but ornate. Then again, maybe not. Maybe I should be looking for something more "Manly" - something that fits Aragorn's personality.

Another finish for me this week was Stefani Martin's "Covered Bridge Spring". I'm not pleased with the backstitching. There's a lot of grass stitched, but you can't see it! You can see it here and there, but not nearly as much as I put in. I should change the color to another shade, but I'm not pulling it out and wasting any more time on this piece. It's finished and it will do. It doesn't look bad the way it is, but I would have liked the grass to show up more.

Now, on to L&L's 2002 Christmas Freebie . I'm hoping to finish it by Monday.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Stitching Along....

I've been doing nothing much these days except for stitching, reading, and watching TV - with an occasional hop online to have a peek at what's going on in the world. I'm going about stir crazy because I feel great except for this leg of mine. It is getting a bit better but not nearly as fast as I want it to. sigh...

Here's an update on Stefani Martin's "Covered Bridge Spring" and I'm happy to report it's about 90% finished now.

And here's where I was before this rotation:

Since I'm so close to being finished, I may just keep stitching until it's finished.

We are still searching for a house, but not finding what we want yet. I really don't want to go back in debt again just to settle for something we really aren't in love with. We have one of those houses now :-) We want a larger house in the country with a couple of acres (actually the more acreage the better!!) so that we can have our orchard, berry patch, herb garden and a nice veggie garden, plus a place for flowers and maybe a couple of goats and some chickens. We have chickens now, but it's such a shame to have to keep them penned up the way they are. They need room to run and on our 2/3rds of an acre, they really can't do that now.

Speaking of chickens, I got a wonderful surprise in my email tonight. I won a Janlynn chart of chickens called "Ruffled Feathers"!! I'm really looking forward to getting it. I have just the perfect place in the kitchen to hang it, too!! Thanks so much, Patti!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Picture Day

I have been down with phlebitis in my leg, so I've had lots of time to stitch. I now have a few finished objects to claim :)

First is the first of Calico Crossroads Kats by Kelly monthly series. This is called "In The Bag" and is stitched on 14 ct. white aida using DMC.

My next finish is Lizzie Kate's "Cherish Dream Live". This was stitched on 32 ct. Lambswool linen and I used mostly GAST. I did use the DMC conversion for the evergreen (found I was out and didn't reorder!) and for the small "dots". I won't waste GAST on small areas like that. I won this chart from Debbie from the SanMan board, and now it's on it's way to a new home. Thanks Debbie!!! This was a fun stitch!!

Yesterday, I finished the Dimensions Creative Accents kit that my DS gave to me for my birthday. It's called "Hang In..." and it is so remarkable that it looks so much like the kitten that adopted us. It was stitched on 14ct. light blue aida.

And here's our cat - and boy did he get stuck in a few trees when he was young...

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Today's finish is Just Nan's "Crystal Heart". This was stitched on 28 ct. lilac cashel linen using the recommended threads. I love JN's and everytime I stitch one, I wonder why I haven't done more. They are just so lovely and feminine.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Getting Back to Normal....

It feels so good getting back to feeling normal. I was down for the last few months quite ill. It turned out to be a problem with my gall bladder, and after a lodged stone and a nasty bout with jaundice, I had the stone removed. Then on to recovery and then when I was back to the health they wanted me to be, they removed my gall bladder. I'm finally able to take some time to sit and surf the net again as well as stitch. Both couldn't be done during the last couple of months, as it was just too painful to sit in one position for any amount of time. Thank heavens that's all behind me now. I'm still moving gingerly, but feel a whole hill of beans better than I have been!

My DS gave me a lovely kit for my birthday present - about a month ago, and he said he needed to get it for me, because I wasn't stitching any more, and he knew that I needed to be stitching. I after all that time, I don't have near what I would have wanted to on it. It was so hard sitting and trying to work on it. But now - it's coming right along, and should be done soon. The kit is from Creative Accents (Dimensions) and is called "Hang In..."

I'm now to the kitten's head, and then will have the clouds and letter to do - plus all the outlining, and it will be finished. Such a lovely present :)