I've been sorting through stuff. Man! Why do I keep so much junk? And where does it all come from? Granted, I keep more because of homeschooling because the law requires it, but really, why the other stuff? Does anyone else keep things they wonder why they ever kept, or is it just me? LOL I had a good weekend of sorting and tossing. The kids want to have a yard sale, so they have a pile started for that. It's got them excited enough to get rid of a few things that they may not have otherwise parted with.
Mother's Day will be soon, so I decided to stitch up a present for MIL. She is such a dear - so sweet, and never a bad word from her. Her advice is always about loving each other - even when the kids are bad, because they won't be children long :-) What a precious MIL she is!! I saw this adorable pattern a couple of years ago, and bought it, but found I needed all speciality threads and beads, so it went back on the back burner. I bought all the required threads the middle of last year and finally had it all kitted together to do it for this mother's day. It's called "Grandmothers: A Special Love" by JBW Designs, and I think it's very appropriate for her. Please forgive the quality of the scan - the middle bead held the piece off the glass enough to make the middle blurry.

I smoked my CC on Friday. I had a bunch of threads, beads, and fabrics I needed to do some of the patterns that have been sitting in my stash, not being done because I didn't have the necessary materials. Sure I can substitue things, but the look isn't the same, and on a Just Nan, I won't sub normally. I love the way Nan designs and wouldn't change a thing on them! Not so with most of the primitives tho. I have a field day with them - they're never stitched the way they were designed.
Well back to work sorting and tossing......