Saturday, April 17, 2004

I sat down and started digging and cataloging my WIPS, and what I finished that was a WIP this year. I started with 47, finished 13 and added 3 that I really wanted to do, so my grand total right now is 37. There - I admitted it. A pattern diet WAS a good idea. I've been having a great time playing in my stash, and gosh, I forgot I even had some of those patterns! Yikes! I could have purchased them again!!!!

Today has been the first day in over a month that I could actually do something and breathe afterwards. The awful cough has pretty much gone away - still some but not the doubling over kind like before - and now not much for shortness of breath either. Almost a month and a half down with this crap and nothing seem to help. Sure glad it's over with.

Finally started the spring cleaning today. Should have been done by now, but I'm just starting. Temps have soared into the 70's and may possibly hit 80 on Monday. The garden tiller isn't running and we so badly need to turn the garden. Too late to get peas out, and soon will be too late to get other things in like potatoes, onions, etc. I hate being behind like this.

It appears house hunting will stop. It amazes me that everything we have looked at has been a high priced dump - and when we come home, we appreciate what we have. It's just so small, so we've decided to add on an addition - about a 22x40 ft. one. It won't be this year, as the good contractors are booked already, so it will be next year before that happens, but it will be so nice to have a larger house and at the fraction of the cost of the ones we've been looking at. We want to add a living room and kitchen, and will take the existing LR and turn it into a master bedroom and then the kitchen we have now will become the master bath/walk in closet. With that done, we will be able to have enough room for 7-8 children.

After spring cleaning we'll make an appt with the adoption agency to finish up our home study. All we need is just the house inspection and we are done. We also need to get our form out for foster care. Since most of the stuff will already be done by our adoption agency, there won't be much that will be needed except for letters of recommendation and the classes that get us licensed. We are so close to being done now - would have been if hadn't been for the health stuff. .....grumble......

I think our whole town is outside today - everyone doing their yard work and enjoying the great weather. As I sit here typing, I can look out the picture window and see the flury of activity and wonder why I'm here typing. Ah yes, I'm taking a break from cleaning. LOL Well, with that being said, I should get back to work and get more done. It's amazing how things accumulate over the winter.

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