Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Photo Catch-up

Time seems to just whiz on by me. In the past month, we've been gardening, putting up the spring harvest, preparing for and having home school evaluations done, celebrating another anniversary and birthday, and surviving the spring flu. Oh yes, we can't forget Mother's Day :)

I actually had a bit a time to get a few projects completed. AND I have now gone past my half way point on my 50 project challenge!! YAY!! So today I'll be posting those pictures.

Trekking Socks #128. This makes pair #5 of 7 for DS.

Trekking XXL #128

To celebrate spring, I decided to treat myself and bought this Little House Needleworks pattern called "Season of Hope". It's stitched on 28 count cream pastel linen.

Season of Hope

I stitched this card for someone special. It was a kit from the UK CrossStitcher magazine.

Spring Tulip

Keeping with the theme of spring, here's The Prairie Schooler's "Spring Ornament". I'm planning on stitching all the seasons together and making a bell pull.

Spring Ornament

DGB Confetti #100 Socks for DS. This make the sixth pair of the seven he wanted for camp.

DGB Confetti 100

Hot Socks #923. The last of the requested socks. DS was so thrilled that I made it in time. Now he has the coolest socks to wear for camp! :) And my first pair of socks for June.

Hot Socks #923

Calico Crossroads Kats by Kelly "I Love Mew". This is from the new monthly series. I started with the first series, but really didn't like the one for Feb., so I put it aside for a while. I'm so glad I did, because I think this one is so much cuter.

I Love Mew

And now.... My latest finish.....
A Wizzers kit from Dimensions. This one is called "Birdhouse Windchimes" and has been a WIP for quite a long time. I really didn't care at all for working on the plastic canvas. However, now that it's finished, I'm glad I kept going.

Birdhouse Windchime

1 comment:

Karin said...

I love your socks - I wish I had a mom who made cool socks! And I love that DS is cool enough to wear the socks his mom made.