Wednesday, December 06, 2023

December Already

Here it is, December already. Where did the year go? It's been a difficult one. A year where I almost lost by husband to a birth defect that never was correctly diagnosed until this year. After a cardiac arrest and tons of tests as well as a life saving surgery, he's on his road to recovery. Thank the good LORD for that! 

As for this blog, it's been really neglected and mostly because of Ravelry. I can post my knitting and crochet there since the database is really great and easy to use. However, there's the issue of all my other crafts. I think this would be a good place for them and I'll probably just keep the knitting and crochet mainly to Ravelry. 

I had thought I would have to give up on counted cross stitch. In fact, I did have to put it aside for a few years. My eyes had the issue of an ocular occlusion and made it hard to see. It was just off the center of my dominant eye. Between that, extreme amount of floaters and persciption changes, I had to go to larger print and reading with a backlight and bright light. It took a long time adjusting, but I've finally gotten to the place where I can see pretty well again. With that change, I started cross stitching again! Oh, I really did miss it!

This craft page should be revivied since I now have things I will be able to post. I'm hoping for a finish or 2 before the end of the year and then there's the lists - end of year and hopes for next year. 

I'm looking forward to dusting everything of and just getting back into the stitching and crafting mode. I hope to have lots to share with you!!!

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