Saturday, December 30, 2023

Reflection and Ahead

Can you believe it? There's just a two days left before 2024 arrives. How did that happen?!! Even sitting and thinking of what I want to plan to do for next year is flitting by without any real plans. 

I tried looking over my list for this past year's goals and hardly any accomplishments have been made with not much crossed off at all. I did make some jewelry and finished a few knit and crochet projects, but main things like the garden and the canning and preserving were all nil with hubby having health issues. Life sure did change from May on. Next year will hopefully be better.

As for what I plan on doing with my needlework and cross stitch, I was going to do a rotation list and had everything listed in order with how many hours and days to work on each item. I decided to chuck that out the window. I'm afraid it would turn into a chore and I'd finally fail at it, because I'd hate all the structure. Next year will be all about working on the list below, probably a few adds and just choosing what moves me - when it moves me.

Yesterday, I printed out and bound a XS journal that I downloaded from Creative Fabrica. It's really a nice journal and is probably the most useful one that I've come across yet. It even has an area where you can track the amount of days you work on a project as well as a yearly total, a wish list and pages that you can keep notes as well as notes on the project page itself. I am looking forward to starting this on Monday. One thing I did was to print the pages one sided, so that I could put photos on the back of the page. I went back through projects I had finished and couldn't find much information at all. I have no idea when I started most thing on my list of WIPs/UFOs, so this will be nice to keep track of things from now on. I can't wait to put my first entry in it!

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