Thursday, December 26, 2024

Five Days Left in 2024

 Christmas has come and gone with everyone being content with how the day went. It was a quiet day that started with over a 2-1/2 hour phone call from my daughter. I wish she wasn't so far away, but she loves it where she's at. That's all that matters. 

During the phone call, she had us open our gifts (so much for not exchanging any!) and she gave me the most adorable candle I've ever seen! It's called Snowman Campfire Candle and is by Forever Ricky - a shop on Etsy. She also gave me a candle care kit complete with trimmer, snuffer and an USB lighter.

My son gave me a generous gift certificate and hubby gave me my traditional House Mouse calendar and date book. Yes - I'm totally spoiled!!

There are only 5 days left in 2024. The year has gone by so quickly. Usually, I take this time between Christmas and New Years to reflect on this year's accomplishments and plans for next year. I started early this year and I've been doing that over the past month. The last 2 years haven't been the best - family health issues, the deaths of both family members and friends and 2 years of failed garden were tough but I'm looking forward to turning the page and starting a new year. I have my new planner started and my list of goals to complete. Here's to a new, hopefully better year to come.

The numbers were called in WIPGO - numbers 11 and 20. Number 11 for me is Lanarte's Romantic Picnic that I started stitching 1-6-2006. I haven't really touched that piece since I had to put it aside for a new model that had come in. Number 20 is Curtis Boehringer's Needlewoman's Murder Mystery that was started on 1-3-2005. I actually put a few stitches in that piece earlier this year when I was playing the 2024 BRR-ingo Challenge. I put it aside when I first started stitching it, as I heard there was an error on one of the charts. I set it aside until I could find out more about the error and correction and again, a model came in to be stitched and I never really got back to it until I decided to put it on my BRR-ingo card. Since that was a daily call, I was only able to put a couple hours of stitching on it. As much as I loved playing BRR-ingo and other games with that group, I've decided that I wanted to focus a little more time on these pieces. I'll see which method/group works best for me.

I must say I'm excited about participating in WIPGO and WIPocalypse.  I've had so many pieces that I started because I really wanted to stitch on them only to have to put them aside to work on a model that arrived. Some were planned, some just came in whenever the shop or designer needed it done. Other times it was a gift or request that would make me set aside my personal stitching. After sending the model back or finishing the gift, I seemed to not have the desire to pick the beloved piece back up and would move on. There was a time when I was just stitching freebies or smalls just so I could just finish something for me. Unfortunately, those all still sit in a box waiting to be fully finished. 

I will be posting before and after photos each month. My goal is 3 days per piece, but I'm hoping for more than that. I want some finishes next year. I need to move these old WIPs to the FO pile!

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