Monday, December 30, 2024

Preparing For WIPGO & WIPocalypse

 I am ready!!! WIPGO called the first set of numbers on Christmas.They were numbers 20 and 11.

2025 WIPGO Board
I am not going to mix up my numbers but put them in the order that was originally on the example WIPGO board. So my numbers will run left to right 1-5 first row, 6-10 second row, etc ending with 25 being the last square in the bottom right corner.

I pulled all my oldest WIPS and put on the board. The only one that's new is the Artic Animals Club because I really would like to get a chunk done on that one.

Here's my WIPGO list in order including dates started. I had to do a lot of digging to find those dates and some are still at best, quite vague:
  1. Sofa Cat (2002)
  2. Happy Everything (pre-2004)
  3. Noah's Ark (1-1-2005
  4. May (2004)
  5. Artic Animals Club (12-21-24)
  6. Hummingbird Garden (pre-2005)
  7. Fire & Ice (pre-2005)
  8. Celtic Spring (pre-2005)
  9. The Baby (1-20-2006)
  10. Bent Creek Snappers (1-3-2006)
  11. Romantic Picnic (1-6-2006)
  12. Magic in Motion (2005)
  13. Olde English Needleroll (2007)
  14. French Calendar (1-4-2006)
  15. North Woods Stocking (1985)
  16. A Bird For All Seasons (pre-2005)
  17. Gettysburg (1-1-2008)
  18. Aymer's Amber Rose (pre-2005)
  19. Four Horses of Apocalypse (pre-2005)
  20. Needlewoman's Murder Mystery 1-3-2005)
  21. Hideaway Cottage (pre-2005)
  22. Marquoir Mystery Sampler (2002)
  23. Last Stitches (12-31-1999)
  24. Inn Keeper's Sign (1980's)
  25. Twwnie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung (2004)
I did not include the designers in this list, as there will be a more detailed list posted tomorrow with my starts, finishes, WIPs, UFO/donated, etc.

Here's where I am at for Curtis Boehringer's Needlewoman's Murder Mystery in 13 chapters. I'm on Chapter 1. The last time I put stitches in this piece was 1-12-2004.

And here is Lanarte's Romantic Picnic. I can't remember when I touched it last. Yah - it's been that long ago.

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