To catch things up to speed.... DH's uncle died at the end of last month. DD had a hard time with yet another death to deal with. Then a few days later DS comes down with a high fever and flu. Then his eyes don't look so good - and we found out it was pink-eye. Trip to Dr.'s. Found out that the Pink-eye was caused by the flu! Never heard that one before. Then the next day, DD throws up, fever, and is down for the count. Then I get it, and DH gets it. Only DH get's pink-eye. Another trip to Dr's for all of us, as 2 weeks have gone by and only DS who got meds has recovered. DD now has strep and I have bronchitis. Lots of meds, big Dr. bill and things are looking up - but now DD has pink-eye. Didn't need trip to dr. this time - as she said there's enough left over meds for her. Her eye is looking better now, but boy - I don't want to deal with another month like this past one.
I've been sorting my yarns and patterns. I need to get them much more organized so I can find what I want when I want it. I need to make more heavy socks so that they are ready for hunting season this year, but it's hard to guess what sizes I'll need with a boy that is growing so fast - same with my DD. Gosh - they are growing like weeds these days! Can't keep them dressed or in shoes it seems - as they are always too small. DS is 12 and is about 5'6" already.
I've also been going through my WIP's and have decided to finish some of them. Here's my lastest WIP that I finished, a kit called "Sugar and Spice" by Dale Burdett:

I found her quite by accident. She was started about 17 years ago, and now is finally done. I still need to wash and press her and then put her in her "frame" - an oval wooden hoop with lace attatched to the back, and a ribbon on the hoop screw. She'll sit "against" the side of the hoop - that's why she's curved like she is.
Now I'm doing an early Teresa Wentzler design from an old issue of Just Cross Stitch called "Faithful Friends". I'm almost finished with it - probably will have it finished by tomorrow or Sunday at the latest:

Well - that's what I've been doing for the last month. :-)
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