I have been down with phlebitis in my leg, so I've had lots of time to stitch. I now have a few finished objects to claim :)
First is the first of Calico Crossroads Kats by Kelly monthly series. This is called "In The Bag" and is stitched on 14 ct. white aida using DMC.

My next finish is Lizzie Kate's "Cherish Dream Live". This was stitched on 32 ct. Lambswool linen and I used mostly GAST. I did use the DMC conversion for the evergreen (found I was out and didn't reorder!) and for the small "dots". I won't waste GAST on small areas like that. I won this chart from Debbie from the SanMan board, and now it's on it's way to a new home. Thanks Debbie!!! This was a fun stitch!!

Yesterday, I finished the Dimensions Creative Accents kit that my DS gave to me for my birthday. It's called "Hang In..." and it is so remarkable that it looks so much like the kitten that adopted us. It was stitched on 14ct. light blue aida.

And here's our cat - and boy did he get stuck in a few trees when he was young...

Today's finish is Just Nan's "Crystal Heart". This was stitched on 28 ct. lilac cashel linen using the recommended threads. I love JN's and everytime I stitch one, I wonder why I haven't done more. They are just so lovely and feminine.

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