I've been doing nothing much these days except for stitching, reading, and watching TV - with an occasional hop online to have a peek at what's going on in the world. I'm going about stir crazy because I feel great except for this leg of mine. It is getting a bit better but not nearly as fast as I want it to. sigh...
Here's an update on Stefani Martin's "Covered Bridge Spring" and I'm happy to report it's about 90% finished now.

And here's where I was before this rotation:

Since I'm so close to being finished, I may just keep stitching until it's finished.
We are still searching for a house, but not finding what we want yet. I really don't want to go back in debt again just to settle for something we really aren't in love with. We have one of those houses now :-) We want a larger house in the country with a couple of acres (actually the more acreage the better!!) so that we can have our orchard, berry patch, herb garden and a nice veggie garden, plus a place for flowers and maybe a couple of goats and some chickens. We have chickens now, but it's such a shame to have to keep them penned up the way they are. They need room to run and on our 2/3rds of an acre, they really can't do that now.
Speaking of chickens, I got a wonderful surprise in my email tonight. I won a Janlynn chart of chickens called "Ruffled Feathers"!! I'm really looking forward to getting it. I have just the perfect place in the kitchen to hang it, too!! Thanks so much, Patti!
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