The last day of January, already! It's amazing how quickly time has slipped by. The flu stole some of our precious time, so all goals were not met by any of us here.
Here's the run down of my stitching goals for January:
1. Finish Aragorn - didn't touch him
2. Bent Creek's May Snapper - finished!
3. Finish Dimension's Moonlit Play - this is going to be close - not sure if I'll make it tonight or not.
4. Start CC Kats By Kelly January - nope - no start
5. Start L&L 2002 Christmas Freebie - started and got her hair and some of her face done
6. 10 hours on L&L Celtic Spring - yes! And it was hard putting her down!!
7. French Mystery Parts 1-4 Yes! The 30 x 30 squares made it easy to keep up with this one.
I'm really hoping to have time to spend on Moonlit Play tonight - but don't know if I'll have enough time to complete it. I still have quite a bit of water to do, all the outlining and the french knot starts and other details. Here's how it stands right now:

Part 5 of the mystery sampler gets posted tomorrow. It's going to be a really big piece when it's finished, but those small squares make it so managable. Here's my first of my monthly postings: (Parts 1-4)

Monday nights are now devoted to a SAL with the TW board. It's just the motivation I needed to pull out Under The Evergreen. I put almost 2 hours in yesterday, and finally have enough of a change to be able to post a progress pic:

Now on to stitch some and decide what my goals are for next month.