Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Stitching, Stitching, Stitching!

I took DD out Saturday to pick up some things that she needed for winter camp. When I go with DD, it's guaranteed to be a long day out because she LOVES to shop. That girl can spend hours trying on clothes and shoes. Why? I haven't a clue, but she loves to try on new things. Of course, bringing the things home are even better, but she doesn't have a problem with a limit. The other thing she loves to do is clip coupons and go through the flyer every week and match coupons to sales. This year, we will be keeping a running total of how much she acutally saves with coupons and rebates. We only allow it on the things we normally buy and use, which makes it more difficult, as we don't use a lot of prepared foods.

Well, after a nice long day, I came home exhaused, but with a happy kid. Sunday, I woke up with a real PIA ailment that ended up keeping me off my feet and the computer chair until yesterday. So, while I was down for the count, I got a lot of stitching done, and even some reading that I've wanted to do! I put in about 8 hours in Celtic Spring and I'm really pleased with the results. I have one dolphin done on Moonlit Play and am now working on the background, plus I have another square done on the French Mystery Sampler.

I would have had a better progress report, but ended up frogging the sky I had done on Moonlit Play. I used the wrong color because I read the number wrong. Dimensions uses 5 digit numbers, and there are two blues that are so close - just one digit off - so I stitched with the wrong color. Then for Celtic Spring, I tried 2 strands of the gold braid for the dress, and didn't like it, so I ripped that out as well, and went to one. That stuff is not the nicest stuff to rip, but it is really nice since it doesn't fray the way the Kreiniks do. My LNS says that she has conversions for Rainbow Gallery to Kreiniks, and has suggested that I switch. I'm really considering trying the conversions.

Tonight we go and look at another house. This one is special though, as it's one I've wanted ever since I was a kid. It is a farm right now, but the owner is subdividing it (sadly) and selling 5 acres with the house, and then the rest of the farm will be in 10 & 20 acres lots. This farm attatches to our family farm, but the way the house sits, there will be quite a few properties between this house and the family farm. It would be nice to get back to that area again, and the house used to be really something when I was a kid. So, we'll see if it still is a grand. If we do decide to buy it, it will push us to the frugal lifestyle again. Which means no more silly XS purchases. Actually, no more silly purchases, period. Ah well, I grew up and lived the frugal lifestyle almost all my life, so it certainly isn't going to hurt going back there.

Besides, I certainly won't be hurting in the XS department!! As you know, I jumped on the Stash Only Stitcher's Wagon for the year, and have cataloged my WIPS, UFO's and things that are ready to be stitched because they are either kits or have been kitted up. I'll bet I have at least 10 years of stuff to stitch (excluding the purchase of floss I may run out of). I went through things and found that I had 143 things ready to go!!! Can you believe it?! 143!!! And if I keep looking, I might even find more tucked away somewhere.

That, of course, doesn't count the patterns and magazines I have in stash and the miscellaneous cuts of fabric that I can use for them. Yup, I think 10 years worth easily. Now, that isn't to say that I would be stitching things that I LOVE at all times - but I would still have things to stitch. And if I spend lots of time online talking to other stitchers, that should really stretch my stitching because I'll be cutting down on my stitching time. :-)

Am I one of the few that are over the top with collecting stash or is there hope for me yet?

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