Sunday, December 31, 2023

Last Finish of the Year

I put the last of the beads on Mill Hill's "Cheers" yesterday. I was going to finish into a magnet, but the more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that a magnet would limit where I could put it. I have the felt for the back, but just need to decide if it will become a magnet or an ornament. Sadly my photo doesn't show all the sparkle that the beads give. There are a lot of beads on this - plus the snowflake charm at the top.

Today is my last day of purchasing cross stitch kits, etc. Tomorrow, I will be begin my journey of stitching only from stash. I am allowing myself  a couple of exception: the occasional thread, beads, etc. if it is needed for a project if I run out, supplies for turning my FOs into FFOs and my birthday. I've thought about adding Christmas in the mix as well, but I just may wait out the year. This will also extend into my other crafting as well. 

All my monthly subscriptions and Patreon memberships have been cancelled. There will still be a couple of goodies coming that have to be excluded from the "wagon". I have a 2 year subscription to Just Cross Stitch and I did a yearly payment for an auto ship of The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night monthly kits. I'm also on the waitlist for The Silver Needle's Friends Stitching Circle, but it's not hopeful. Since I signed up well before I decided to hop on the Stitch from Stash wagon, if I get lucky and get picked up from the list, I will also have this as an exception. 

Next year should be a great year for stitching. I am excited to be able to stitch the things that I have fallen in love with but always put aside for something else. It's now time to fall in love with my stash again!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Reflection and Ahead

Can you believe it? There's just a two days left before 2024 arrives. How did that happen?!! Even sitting and thinking of what I want to plan to do for next year is flitting by without any real plans. 

I tried looking over my list for this past year's goals and hardly any accomplishments have been made with not much crossed off at all. I did make some jewelry and finished a few knit and crochet projects, but main things like the garden and the canning and preserving were all nil with hubby having health issues. Life sure did change from May on. Next year will hopefully be better.

As for what I plan on doing with my needlework and cross stitch, I was going to do a rotation list and had everything listed in order with how many hours and days to work on each item. I decided to chuck that out the window. I'm afraid it would turn into a chore and I'd finally fail at it, because I'd hate all the structure. Next year will be all about working on the list below, probably a few adds and just choosing what moves me - when it moves me.

Yesterday, I printed out and bound a XS journal that I downloaded from Creative Fabrica. It's really a nice journal and is probably the most useful one that I've come across yet. It even has an area where you can track the amount of days you work on a project as well as a yearly total, a wish list and pages that you can keep notes as well as notes on the project page itself. I am looking forward to starting this on Monday. One thing I did was to print the pages one sided, so that I could put photos on the back of the page. I went back through projects I had finished and couldn't find much information at all. I have no idea when I started most thing on my list of WIPs/UFOs, so this will be nice to keep track of things from now on. I can't wait to put my first entry in it!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe Christmas has already arrived. It's been a long year full of heartbreaking news of a loved one with terminal cancer and the near loss of my hubby. With all this going on, it seems that Christmas has snuck up on me - even though I've been trying to prepare for it.

To be honest, my heart's not in it. Gift purchasing seemed like more of a chore than anything. I had a hard time with Christmas carols this year because I could see and hear my Mom singing and dancing around the kitchen as she was helping us decorate cookies. It made me miss her so much. Quite a surprise, as she's been gone for 28-1/2 years. I don't know why it hit so hard now.

My daughter lives on the other coast so we don't get to celebrate with her. My son arranged for a family Zoom where we will all be opening our presents together. I miss her as well, but have settled in with the idea that she won't be coming home. She loves it where she is. Sadly, we haven't seen her in person in more than two years. We had plans of visiting her his past summer, but plans changed drastically with hubby's emergency surgery. He's still on the road to recovery, so we'll play it by ear.

I wish you a happy and healthy Christmas. May it be full of family, friends, love and good food. (hey - nothing better than a good home cooked Christmas dinner!)

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mill Hill Cheers WIP

I've decided to try a small Mill Hill kit called "Cheers". I've hear so many people seem to really like them. I was browsing Amazon when I came across this kit on sale for about $6 shipped. It's been years since I've done anything by Mill Hill and the ones I did years ago were larger. 

I've wasn't sure I liked working on the perforated paper at first. Being small, I kept catching the floss on the paper edges and corners. I'm getting better and am now finding more enjoyable and even a bit fun. I liked the instructions of drawing on the back to find the center. It made things so much easier! I also printed out a copy of the pattern and am coloring in as I go. It will make it so much easier to add the beads at the end. The way I'm going, I'll easily be finishing this before New Year's Eve. This will probably be my last finish of the year.

One thing I'm finding is my stitching isn't as neat with using 3 strands vs the 2 I'm used to using. I haven't been able to figure out how to make it look nicer. Maybe with more practice? With that said, I've picked up a couple more Mill Hill kits for future stitching. I'm looking forward to making more!

Friday, December 22, 2023

I Hope to ID This

I purchased a cross stitch lot from an auction and found this among the fabrics and threads. There's no pattern and I hope that somehow I can identify it so that I can find the pattern and finish it. 

I posted this to the 1-2-3 Stitch Forum and within a very short amount of time, I had an answer to my question. I no longer have to wonder what this piece is! This was produced as a kit called "My Husband" by Linda Myers. I will now be able to complete the project!

It amazes me that by just posting a pic of a piece of a pattern, that someone can identify the pattern! The members of the 1-2-3 Stitch Forum are amazing! A HUGE thank you to eveyone for their help and sleuthing skills!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

WIP Focus - Cinnamon Bear

I was watching YouTube yesterday and have notice that many like doing "X" amount of starts in December with no intention of finishing any during this month. It's an interesting concept, but I'm not sure it's for me any more. I get a feeling of anxiety every time I look at my WIP list - especially since it's so old! That feeling I got again, after watching all the starts motivated me to pull out one of those WIPS. 

My focus piece today was "Cinnamon Bear" by Pamela Kellogg. The pattern can be found in the Just Cross Stitch 2001 Ornament issue. I have no idea when I started this guy and could not figure out why I never finished him, because I'm quite close to getting him done. Well, until I started working on him today. There's a lot of color changes and confetti stitching. It makes him look so awesome but is quite tiresome to try to figure out where I left off and when you have colors so close, to know exactly where you stitched. So I took and enlarged the chart and got my trusty highlighter out. Boy, does that make life much easier!!! I didn't get  a lot of stitches in, but did finish his foot, did the empty spots between hi eyes and a bit on the blanket and kitten. If I keep going, I could have this piece done by Christmas. I don't know if I'll put the border on. I have to check to see if I have the color needed. 

One thing I'm finding while looking at these old WIPs/UFOs is I have no idea what fabrics are used or in the case of HoHRH, I'm going to have to figure out if I used one strand or 2 to stitch. It's a bit of a challenge to see in the lighting when I put it on the bars. I'm not going to worry about that until I start stitching. This has made me realize that I need to start taking notes from now on. There's much to be said about keeping a record!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Looking Ahead to 2024


I really need to concentrate on all the stuff I have in my "craft room". Next year should be using from stash only. Between the prices going up and things I'm coming across that I forgotten about, I shouldn't be feeling too deprived. LOL

One of the things I need to concentrate on is Houses of Hawk Run Hollow by The Carriage House. This was gifted to me by a wonderful person and although it was started, it was quickly abandoned as my eyesight turned worse. At the time I didn't realize it, since it was slowly creeping up on me, but by the time I had the blood clot issue - my eyes were not allowing me to stitch. I had given some things away, but kept the HoHRH because I had always been hopeful that one day I could stitch on it again. I'm hoping that will be happening next year.

My plans are to do one block a month and by the end of the year, I'll have the BAP finished. I started stitching on the 3rd block in the second row years ago, so that's where I plan to pick up. It's been put on stretcher bars and is ready to go. Now - if only my eyes agree with it. I'm armed with magnifiers and reading glasses plus my bifocals, so.... 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Two More FO's

On Tuesday, I finished The Silver Needle's Secret Needle Night kit called "The Dancing Snowman". He was such a fun stitch and so much cuter in person. He really sparkles! 

I still need to press him and get the hoop marks out, then attach some white snowflakes around him including one at the top of the hat. 

I ordered some fabric that should arrive by Sunday to finish this one into a flat hanger, but I may change my mind by then.

Today, I finished another 
Secret Needle Night kit from The Silver Needle -  called "Peppermint Mocha".  This one was photographed while still on the hoop. All it needs is a little pressing and then I can fully finish it. 

I'm not sure how I want to finish this one. I am hoping to find some snowflake material at JoAnn's and then I'll decide.

Monday, December 11, 2023

First Finish in Years Plus WIPs List

I have to celebrate as I finally have a cross stitch finish to post after quite a few years. I think the last time I touched a needle was in 2015. YAY!!! It's hot off the needles and hasn't been pressed or anything yet. I'm so happy with the outcome and have already started another Secret Needle Night Kit! Now more about this cute finish...

This kit is one of The Silver Needle Secret Needle Night kits from December 2000 and is called "Winter Games". It is stitched on 10 ct aida and uses a variety of speciality threads. It features a hand made button that has a hat that matches the adult penguin's hat. Just so adorable and so much nicer in person!

With this finish, I've been motivated and dug out my WIP list and here's what I need to finish:

Art Ventures - Old Sentinel - 15%
Bent Creek - Snappers (12 w/border) - 12 completed plus 1/3 of the border
Carriage House Samplings - The Houses of Hawk Run Hollow
Cross Stitch & Country Crafts - North Woods Stocking
Crossed Wing Collection - Hummingbird Garden 35%
Curtis Boehringer - Needlewomans Murder Mystery
Dawna Barton - Dinner Call - 60%
Diane Arthurs - Happy Everything - 60%
DMC - The White Bindweed Fairy - 15% - found mistake must rip
Dimensions - A Bird For All Seasons - 5%
Dimensions - Laundry Day
Dimensions - Magic In Motion - 5%
Dimensions - Wolf Portrait - 65%
Drawn Thread - Miniature Reversible Sampler
Drawn Thread - Winter Spot - 10%
French Calendar free weekly - 23 of 52 finished
Hearts Delight - Noahs Ark Kit - 50%
Helga Mandl and Barbara Ana - Mystery Sampler - 45%
Janlynn - Live Simply
Just Cross Stitch 2001 Ornament Issue - Cinnamon Bear 70%
Just Nan - First Stitches
Just Nan - Last Stitches
Kustom Krafts - 4 Horses of Apocalypse
Kustom Krafts - Fire & Ice
Kustom Krafts - Sofa Cat
Lanarte - Romantic Picnic 15%
Lavender & Lace - Celtic Spring - 35%
Leisure Arts - Noahs Ark Baby Afghan 50%
Marquoir Mystery Sampler freebie SAL 3 of 9 finished
Marty Bell - Hideaway Cottage
Mill Hill - Cheers Ornament Kit
Pamela Kellogg - Cupids Garden Mystery SAL 15%
Pat Rogers - Hearts & Lace Sampler 70%
Paula Vaughan - May
Pegasus - Pekingese Dogs V. 4 15%
The Silver Lining - Aymars Amber Rose 30%
Sweetheart Tree - Olde English Needle Roll - 15%
Sweetheart Tree - Teenie Tweenies Spring Has Sprung 30%
Teresa Wentzler - Stretch 15%
Teresa Wentzler - Under the Evergreen
Vermillion Stitchery - The Holy Family

I'm not sure I know where all the kits are at this point, but that's ok - I'm sure I'll come across them sooner or later. Some list, isn't it?!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

December Already

Here it is, December already. Where did the year go? It's been a difficult one. A year where I almost lost by husband to a birth defect that never was correctly diagnosed until this year. After a cardiac arrest and tons of tests as well as a life saving surgery, he's on his road to recovery. Thank the good LORD for that! 

As for this blog, it's been really neglected and mostly because of Ravelry. I can post my knitting and crochet there since the database is really great and easy to use. However, there's the issue of all my other crafts. I think this would be a good place for them and I'll probably just keep the knitting and crochet mainly to Ravelry. 

I had thought I would have to give up on counted cross stitch. In fact, I did have to put it aside for a few years. My eyes had the issue of an ocular occlusion and made it hard to see. It was just off the center of my dominant eye. Between that, extreme amount of floaters and persciption changes, I had to go to larger print and reading with a backlight and bright light. It took a long time adjusting, but I've finally gotten to the place where I can see pretty well again. With that change, I started cross stitching again! Oh, I really did miss it!

This craft page should be revivied since I now have things I will be able to post. I'm hoping for a finish or 2 before the end of the year and then there's the lists - end of year and hopes for next year. 

I'm looking forward to dusting everything of and just getting back into the stitching and crafting mode. I hope to have lots to share with you!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2023

The Simple Simon Cowl

I had another finish yesterday: The Simple Simon Cowl  which is a free pattern designed by Hanna Illuzzi. I used a one of a kind (OOAK) hand-dyed 100% Merino worsted from Misfit Yarns that I purchased as a mystery yarn with no choice of color or weight but the $10 price tag made it appealing enough to try. The colorway is an off-white, black, grey with brown speckles.

I went looking to see what I could do with one skein of multicolored yarn and came across the Simple Simon Cowl and thought it would work nicely. I loved how the pattern turned out although I made it one pattern repeat taller by accident. I guess I was enjoying knitting the texture so much that I lost count. No matter - it works all the same. Taller is better than too short in my book. 

The cowl with my addition of one pattern repeat took only 192 yards of yarn and was knit on 4mm 24" circular needles. 

I love the yarn - it's so soft, but I wasn't totally in love with the brown speckles. After knitted, it looks like dirt spots on the cowl - like someone flung mud at you or you were naughty and was eating something chocolate and got it on the cowl. I guess that's why it made it in mystery yarn as a OOAK. One good thing is, I'll be more apt to wear it for every day instead of saving something this soft for going out in. 

There's always an upside!

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

First Finish of 2023

I have had the pleasure of doing a test for a wonderful designer who goes by the name TheWoolenRose on Ravelry. Her designs are so feminine and to me, have a Victorian/Edwardian type flair to them. I tested her Edwardian Cowl in 2021 and fell in love with it so when I saw her new shawl available to test, I had to do it.

The shawl is not named yet, no is it live to purchase at the time of this posting. I used yarn out of my stash, a soft acrylic baby yarn. When I saw the shawl, I immediately thought of a new mom wearing the shawl and covering her baby with it while she held her precious bundle or taking it off and wrapping the baby in it. For this reason, something extremely soft and easy care was needed in my mind.

I had some "Bleu" Zeeman's SuperSoft in my stash and thought it was perfect and then for the border I used Herrschner's 2-ply Baby in "Eggshell". The pattern was easy and the finished shawl turned out large, lovely and so very, very soft. I used about 3.25 skeins of the SuperSoft and 1/2 skein of the Herrschner's.

This shawl was a lovely start to the new year. I have not decided where to home this shawl yet.

Monday, January 02, 2023

Works In Progress/Unfinished Objects

I have been looking at everything in stash as well as my UFOs and WIPs. Strangely enough things seem to keep multiplying. I close the door to the craft area and all the stash seems to "get it on" and I find even more surprises the next time I visit the craft room. 😆

I saw that I had missed a few items on my end of year list and I'm sure there will be more found as the year goes on. I really need to finish these things. Having them just sit in bags and take up real estate is no good for anyone. They aren't being worked on or used for their intended purpose and they aren't being enjoyed by anyone. 

That's my reality check and one of my goals for this year. The other goal is to use more stash than what's brought in. I would just say yarn stash, but I think all craft stash. I mean how many decorative paper pads, stamps, paints, yarn, etc. do I need? According to the craft world, MORE! Did you ever buy something because it was only available for a limited time only? Have you acted on purchasing something because once it's gone, it's gone? Need I go on? 

So tell me, why does the craft market make you feel like you have to have that item and why do they make it so it's around for a couple of months and then gone? I got caught in that web more than once and I can show you all the stamps and stuff I have that I've never used because I got it because I might want to use it someday. Worse part is, I get it, forget it and then buy something else that's somewhat similar and then may or may not use that, and then buy something else because it's limited.... and the cycle goes on.

I have found the internet and influencers has caused that panic feeling of need to buy the item or losing out on it for good. I don't remember that feeling before net. I went to the yarn store, bought something I liked and usually on sale, took it home and made things out of it. I certainly did not have the stash I do now. Even with sales and closeouts happening. I have no one to blame but me. I fall for the good marketing skills of the craft world. And there's so much to be had. I "need" it all!!!

I know I'm not the only one. I've been watching videos of people who are whittling down their stash and many have the theory that if you no longer love it - get rid of it by donating it or selling it. It is interesting to me that we had to have it at one point - probably to the point of paying a nice hefty sum for it to only turn around and get rid of it by selling it for less than was paid or just donating it. That's not going to fly with me. I bought the stuff, so I AM going to use it. I cannot in all good conscience donate it without making something out of it first. If I truly don't like the yarn, I can make something out of it and give it to a charity as a finished object. Just because I don't like it doesn't me everyone else has the same opinion. Hats, scarves, mittens, etc. are always in demand, so that unloved yarn will be turned into something that can keep someone warm.

I think it's just my generation. My father was raised in the Great Depression and my mother in WWII. I learned the "waste not, want not" way of life and find the more disposable way of life difficult sometimes. My adult children don't want the heirloom china set, etc. and things that mean something to us, don't necessarily mean anything to them so why should they want them? I know, in the end it's just stuff. 

Well, this sure got off my thought of UFOs and WIPs. My brain does a dump every now and then - looks like this is one of them. LOL Before I go rambling on any more - I'll post this mess. I could start over, but who knows where the next post would go.... 

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year! Here's to a new start - a reset for me. I know it's just another day and really nothing special if I weren't following a calendar, but by putting up a new calendar everything feels new to me. Yes, I know, it's all in my mind.

Here's to new finishes, new starts, new ideas, and new adventures!!