I really enjoyed stitching this first part. The colors are vibrant and cheery, and I found that I actually used DMC colors I've never used before. I guess that means the designs I usually stitch aren't as colorful. I find that quite interesting.
Seeing this piece done, I can't wait to see the next part. I have been trying to figure out what would be next and how it ties into the title "Back on the Road Again". Is it seasonal? This almost looks like a winter into spring panel, but the title confuses me. Since the next part comes out on Wednesday, it won't be a long wait - but still a wait. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas on this piece. Maybe it's because this appeals to the child side in me. :)
Speaking of appealing to the child in me, I adore Margaret Sherry's designs. Being here in the US, though, they are expensive to purchase. Imagine my delight when I won this lovely piece from Elaine at the 1-2-3 Stitch Bulletin Board!! Thank you, Elaine!

I've promised myself that I will not start this kit until I get my 2 pieces finished. Now it's time to pull the needle roll back out and put some stitches in on that as well as on Wolf Portrait. This kit is my reward for finishing 4 pieces off my list.
My WIP/UFO list has gotten so out of hand. I'm really ashamed that it got as long as it did. Model stitching really cut into my personal stitching, and many of the projects were from being set aside to do a model, and then not picked up right away. Some were started as gifts - some for my mother who died before they were finished. They were put aside because I had two under the age of 3 and no real time to sit and stitch. I had always assumed I'd be able to get back to them as soon as they were older. I had no clue my mother would pass away at the age of 56.
Many projects were put in the closet, moved around the house, and forgotten about. When I started sorting things and putting my stitching stuff in one place, I was stunned to find so many things started and even more - how many were forgotten. A stitching friend of mine said to just purge the things and start over, but it seemed like not only a waste, but an easy way out. I'll admit, there are pieces that I don't like as much as I did when I started them, but I've decided to finish them anyway. If I still don't care for them, I can always pass them on to someone who would like the piece or donate them to a charity of some sort. I know it's strange, but I have this huge need to finish those that I started.
i'm a french reader of your site and I've discovered it with the mystery sampler of Barbara Ana Designs
I found this free very happy and I think I will made it soon and your realization is very beautiful
excuse me for my very bad english but I hope you've understood what I want say to you
The first part is so bright and cheery:)
I'm french too...I loved very much this SAL, I tried to download this free, but I haven't the legend( colors and numbers)
Can you help me ?
thank you
I want to begin this Sal too but I have not the color's key.
Please can you help me ?
Your first part is very pretty.
Kind Regards
I'm french too, and It's impossible to join Barbara Ana by his website.
By Yahoo groups, impossible also.
Could you tell her, we love her designs, and we want to realize the sal mystery whith you ?
Thanks a lot for all french embroiders dissapointed :-((((
Thanks a lot
I'm a french reader too. And I love this Sall.
What is the collection ?
I would like to find it in France, if it's possible.
And, if it's a free, what is the web adress ?
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