Monday, January 12, 2009

Stitching Away

The bear is finished except for a wash and press, then I'll add the silver stars and then frame.

I started Sue Hillis' free Snowman this past week. I got in the mood for stitching something snow themed since it was stormy out. I'm stitching him on 28 ct. light blue Jobelan and have decided that I'm going to replace the snowflakes with beads. Now, I just need to find the right color beads.

We went to visit my MIL yesterday, and on the way, stopped at Jo Ann's Fabrics. I needed to pick up some fabric for the back of my snowman. I'm between making a flatfold or a door hanger. I'm still up in the air about that. I did find some cute fabrics on sale, so I picked up a couple. I'm thinking of using the blue checked for the back of the snowman.

I also bought myself a couple cross stitch kits. They were half price, so how could I resist?

This is Sunset's "New Home". I love birds, and have birdhouses and feeders all over outside, so this called me to put it in my cart.

This is Sunset's "Bag Ladies" and was just so cute, how could I resist?!!

Normally, I'm not big on kits, but when I can pick up a whole kit for about the cost of fabric or a pattern, I'll get it if I really, really like it. With that said, I do hate sorting floss and no matter how good the cost of the kit is, the floss sorting is still painful. :)

I won't be buying much more in the form of stash this year. There's not much I really need, nor much I can really afford. Hobbies are one of those places that get cut back on when things start getting tight. However, I really don't need to say that, as I know many people are cutting back just like I am. I'm planning on doing stash only stitching for the rest of the year. I will buy the Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue, and maybe a thread or other other item if I need it to finish a project that's in my stash. Outside of that, no new goodies. My splurge was the two kits and fabric above. And that was only because they were on sale for 50% to 70% off.

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