Monday, June 17, 2019

Newborn Hats and a Great Weekend

The weekend was quite fun for us. My son gave hubby a HD video drone that he played with all weekend. Unfortunately, the drone will only fly for 10 minutes on a charge. It frustrates hubby that he can't get much flying in between charges, but he's still having a blast with it.

Our daughter lives on the other coast, so she mailed him a package that won't arrive until today, but also bought him a fun mug that says "I don't snore... I dream I'm a motorcycle". That girl nailed it! LOL

Since our son had to work over the weekend, he couldn't spend time with Dad, but it gave us an excuse to get out and go to a local Beer Festival. We had VIP tickets and got a glass and early entrance. Of course, hubby had a good time!

I've been going through more boxes. I've got a goal of one a day, but have been doing more. It's amazing the things I'm coming across, like baby clothes, stuffed animals, etc. and of course - yarn. I've pulled out the baby clothes to wash and will donate those that aren't stained and are in good condition. I had put them away in the attic in case we had another child, but that didn't happen. Unfortunately, they moved with us and ended up in storage. Well, time to go!

I so enjoy making baby and child size items, but with no grandchildren, I was starting to feel a bit sad that I didn't have anyone to make anything for. Well, the light bulb came on one day when I thought, "Why do I need grandchildren? So many children need warm clothes and I have all this yarn..." Talk about a DUH! moment. I don't know why I didn't think about that before. Shoot - I used to make things for charity years ago. I guess it didn't hit me then, since the kids were still young.

I made a few newborn size hats for charity using Bev's Easy Round Baby Hat pattern. The pattern is written for both preemie as well as newborn sizes. The charities I'm considering donating to both need newborn and larger, so I made 5 to add to the charity box.

I used 2 partial skeins and wasn't sure how many I would be able to get out of them. The striped had finished off the skeins. I ended up playing yarn chicken with the pink and had to change the bottom from the FPDC/BPDC ribbing to a single crochet round in blue, then a slip stitch round in pink. I had 19" of pink left.

That's two more (partial) skeins out of the stash!

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