I sent off my package to the Online Angels. I had a total of 140 items which included, preemie hats, preemie blankets, large squares and regular size squares, baby booties, and some misc. items. I'm pleased with the amount I sent. This will be my last package for a while.
I've left most of my groups and have stepped down from being the contact person for St. Anthony's. I would have loved to continue on, but life leads in different directions after a time. I'll be starting a 10 week class next month, our adoption homestudy is almost finished which means we'll be ready to start seeking a child/children. Then there's homeschooling the kids and spring cleaning is coming up, and then the garden.... So much excitement! :-)
Valentine's Day is almost here. I looked all over for a neat valentine something to make, and came across a freebie called Valentines Chocolate. I've been working on it a little each morning before everyone gets up, and I'm pretty sure I'll have it done before Valentine's Day.

I had a wonderful online album done on Topcities - had been working on it for a good month, and went a couple of weeks later to link to it and do a copy of the page - and it's gone! POOF! I'm not a registered member or anything now. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I don't have any idea what happened - as I didn't receive an email stating that they would remove my page, yada yada, yada. Ah well. This is what happens when you use an online editor and don't do any kind of back-up while you are working on it. Worst part of the whole thing is, I didn't have some of the information written down - so it's gone for good, and that included materials used, changes made, etc. :-/
But hey - it keeps life interesting, eh? :-)
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