A belated Merry Christmas to all! I never expected to be away from here so long. I just got so wrapped up in the holiday, and it's still not over for us. We have more family to celebrate with.
I hope you had a lovely holiday. We certainly did! Great food, lots of family and friends, and way too many gifts - who could ask for more? The kids said their favorite part was giving the gifts they purchased or made, and watching the recipients' faces when they were opened. I can honestly say that they put a tremendous amount of thought into their gifts, as they were absolutely perfect for each person. I am also surprised that they would say giving instead of getting - and that was probably the best gift they could have given me!
My brother loved "Late Knight Snacking". I framed it in a brushed silver frame with a double mat - green for the main and black beneath. I was pleased with the results. I forgot to take pictures before giving it to him, so I need to take the camera up next time. DH wants to make a frame for "Bluebird of Happiness", so it will be a bit before he gets framed (ohhhh - did I say that?!). I gave my aunt a towel I did a bit ago. She collects chickens. I sent the "Garden Needleroll" with my aunt to give to my Godmother. She's out of town for a bit, and I didn't want to send it to her, not knowing when she'd be back home.
Everyone was so generous this Christmas, so I won't bore you with the list of goodies, but there is one thing to really brag about. DD bought me 2 of the 3 leaflets I'm missing to complete my PV collection!!! How's that for a real sweetheart?!! Like I said, she really put effort into her gifts.
With only one left, I'll be ordering the last leaflet soon. After working on the collection all these years, what am I going to do now that it's completed? Wonder if there's another designer out there that will "call" to me like PV did... LOL
Pam Kellogg's "Cupid's Garden Mystery SAL" started on the 26th. I got the first installment, and it looks like it's going to turn out quite pretty. I'm about half way through the first part. Love doing the blackwork that is in this one!
I've been doing a bit of stitching late at night, and have a couple finishes to share. These will probably be the last finishes of this year. First is Lizzie Kate's "January Flip-It"

It was stitched on an unknown piece of 14 ct. aida that I had in my stash using all the recommended GAST.
Next is a lovely freebie from Passione Ricamo called "Winter Postcard" and is part of their free postcard series:

I stitched it on 14ct. Dove Grey aida and used all the recommended DMC threads but DMC 5272 (because I had it in my stash) for the Rainbow Gallery Petite Braid PB10. Although it came out OK, I would not use the DMC in place of the PB10 again.