Bluebird is starting to take shape and look a bit like a bird now.

I got the pattern out of Jeanette Crews "Omnibook of Winged Things". The chart is pretty small though, and I'm having a time following it. I should copy and enlarge it, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. With the bird about half way finished, it almost seems silly to do that now.
Misty's bread cloth went out in today's mail. I hope she likes it. It was a fun pattern, but I got hung up with my stitches not being very even because of holding the cloth in my hand, instead of using a frame. I'm a bit AR when it comes to stitching (just stitching? LOL)
I stopped by the TIAG website yesterday, and there's still no freebie for this year posted. I love Marilyn's freebies - they're so pretty. I hope she hasn't decided to discontinue them.
DH and DS are out hunting again today. So far this season, they have only seen deer during the "non-hunting" times of the day. But they still keep trying - Monday, Friday, Saturday, and today they have sat diligently outside in the freezing cold. Not my idea of fun, by no means. Today we are getting our first measurable snow - so I bet the guys will be happy to come home to a nice warm house and a hot bowl of soup or chili.
DH brought a 4-drawer filing cabinet home from his Great-Aunt's estate, and was so thrilled about the find. He had all these plans of putting hanging files in them and all he needed to do was buy the hangers to convert the cabinet. Last night, after we got the cabinet put into it's place, and filled the drawers with regular files, I pulled out some of my hanging files from my small cabinet, and oops - the drawers are too narrow for the hanging files. DH was not happy, and said he was going to toss this cabinet and get a cabinet that uses the hanging files. NOT! This cabinet has now been adopted by me, when the new one comes in. I will now be able to store my patterns in a nice and orderly fashion inside this cabinet. Oh, wouldn't that be nice!!! He doesn't care - he wanted to toss it, so as soon as he breaks down and gets the new cabinet, I'll finally have a nice place for my patterns. Right now they are stored in computer paper boxes, and although it works, it doesn't keep my charts as nicely as I would like them to be kept.
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