Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Small Finish

I wanted to get August's Teapot by Susan Gastler finished before August, instead of waiting until the month has started, like normal. So here's my small finish. I know it's not much, but there's just something about this series, that made me want to do them all. I only have 2 more to go to finish the set.

These are hung over my sink - the current month on the left, and the coming month on the right. In the middle, I have the current month framed pic of Lizzie Kate's Flip-It from the first series. I have a couple more of them to finish as well.

I guess you could say I'm a nut for seasons and monthly themes. I like changing the look of the house every month. Keeps it a bit more interesting, and the kids seem to enjoy it as well.

Tonight is DD's play. She's so excited and has been buzzing around here the last few days like a bee that's found a new flower patch.

I picked up the "Iowa Cruise Socks" I've been working on and off on this morning and have a couple more inches on the cuffs to do, then I can start on the ankle. Those cuffs are sooooo long on this pattern, but the guys really like them for boot socks. I need to get 3 pairs done by hunting season. Don't know if I'll make it or not, but hey - I'll put an effort in.

Well, my bee is up and buzzing around here, so I guess I better be going and get breakfast made and get started on school work.

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