WOW! Time is just moving along!! We've been basically running since last Tuesday. 4H is just sucking our time up, but the kids are loving it. On Wednesday evening, DS had to do a presentation speech and he did a wonderful job, bringing home a blue ribbon as well as being asked to speak at the county Agricultural Banquet! He's been on cloud nine since :D
DD is knitting her heart out. She finished her first scarf (she's started a few, but this is her first finish) and asked if we could go somewhere to buy some yarn. We went to Walmart on Thursday while DS had his goat 4H meeting, and she got some novelty yarn to make a purse and some to make some fuzzy flip-flops. She said they didn't have the yarn she wanted, and wanted to know if we could go to the REAL yarn store to get exactly what she wanted. WooooHoooo!!
Friday was our trip out to finally see "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest". The movie was wonderful!! We certainly all enjoyed it, and by catching the first showing of the day, we pretty much had the theater to ourselves. I think there were maybe 6 other people there. DH took the day off - since he's been working the last few weekends and having some late evenings and early mornings as well. Ah.. the life of a systems analyst.
I made an unplanned stop at a LNS (but not my normal one) and browsed the sale tables as well as all leaflets and threads. Of all times to forget my list!! I purchased a piece of fabric for a needleroll and a bottle of Easy Wash. They also had some 16" circular knitting needles on clearance, so I bought a size 9. Nothing really called my name or blew me away for any impulse buying. Even after fingering all the threads and looking at the models. Could it be I'm finally getting my fill of future projects in my stash? Nah - I'm just looking for more of the "Knock Your Socks off" kinds of leaflets, and I didn't find them there.
My order came in from Needlecraft Corner on Saturday. I got a few wonderful TW's and a My Big Toe leaflet off Drema's clearance section. I added "Peacock Tapestry", "The Story Teller" and "Romeo and Juliet" to my TW collection and all at 1/2 price!! :D
I finally got to get a few stitches in on HoHRH and I really enjoy stitching it. I thought I'd finally get to get some more XS done, since I only have DS's second sock to finish. Wishful thinking on my part! The laundry let me know that we needed more dishcloths, when I found the store bought ones more worn than I thought. So I pulled out the cotton yarn and started some dishcloths. I finally got to try Peaches & Creme's Fiesta Ombre. It makes an bright colored cloth:

Now I'm working on Rodney the Rooster dishcloth using the Peaches & Creme cone cotton in an ecru color. I'm just a bit over half way finished and he's turning out nicely. I also finished the gusset on DS's sock and am now working on the foot. Soon I'll be finished with that!! Two pairs of adult socks (especially one a size 12!!) in less than a month is pretty good for me :-)
Well, off to help DD press her skirt she is making for 4H. Only a couple more weeks before round-up and then we get a nice break before we start our back-to-the-books homeschool routine.
1 comment:
Pirates was a bit of a teaser wasn't it - that being said, I can't wait for the third.
And it looks like your making great progress on the stitching and knitting.
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