Friday, August 19, 2005

Mrs. Depp Hat is DEAD

It was doomed from the start - and with sadness I must report that the Mrs. Depp hat has gone to a better place. Remind me next time to make sure I only use a pattern with a gauge - and when it doesn't look like it makes sense - it probably doesn't! With all that being said - I'll now tell you the "rest of the story".

It all started with a cute hat pattern I found in an old issue of Workbasket magazine. No gauge was listed, but I knit pretty tight, so it should be ok... I should have been committed with that thought! The k2p2 ribbing was way too long and it seemed odd - but hey - I was knitting on circulars, and it was hard to judge at that point. Then the body of the hat and wording - looked need but the hat really seemed to mushroom and got huge looking. I checked the directions numerous times and it was right on the money - must be that because of the needle it looked weird. (does the word idiot describe me yet? LOL) then the rest of the hat and decreasing.... OMG! It was horrible, and when I got to the final decreases, I was supposed to then work the center for a few more rows - which would have made a hot dog looking protrusion on the top. NOT! Something was waaaaay off - not at all looking like the picture. I read and reread those directions over and over and I didn't do a thing wrong, but I had a huge yellow hat that looked like I stole it from Strawberry Shortcake. Then I put it on - heck it could even fit DH's huge head with room to spare! And with a bubble on top - and the ribbing was awful. So I ripped some out and tried finishing it shorter - hoping that would help. Nope - just looked stupid any way I tried.

DD got to see it - had her little belly laugh (ok - big belly laugh!) and tried it on. They had a great time with my disaster. I will rip it out and try over with a TNT method of a plain ol' hat, and just put the wording on. What was I thinking when I tried this one?!

Tomorrow is DD's birthday and also the company picnic or gathering or whatever you call it where we all go to Knobels Amusement Park for the day. They give the family $30 in tickets and have a drawing for a couple of prizes. With gas prices the way they are, we'll put that much in the tank driving to the park and back - but she's been talking about this for months - that the picnic falls on her birthday. She thinks it's the coolest thing.

So maybe I'll get some time on Sunday to start the hat over again. The sweater still isn't totally sewn up yet. I love how LB's Homespun feels - so nice and soft, but it's a bear trying to find the ridges and valleys to sew seams on. I got the one sleeve in, and found I left a ridge on the right side, so had to take that apart and put it back together. I still have to sew the side seams and bottom of the sleeves yet, then I'm done. I like the pink/purple combination, but not sure if I like the pink edging on the purple hood. Their hoods are kinda weird to begin with, so this seems to emphasize it.

Mail Bag.....

Yipee! My order from Dawn Brocco came today. Some drop dead gorgeous Cyclamin Pink Targhee wool and a pattern for Simply Lovely Beaded Hat and Scarf. I'm so anxious to play with this yarn. I've heard so much about how soft it is and am hoping it holds true to its reputation. It's going to be hard to concentrate on my other projects with this sitting around here tempting me to come and play.

More good news! I receive an email from both Yarn Forward and the Canadian post letting me know my White Buffalo has been shipped!! YIPEE!!!! I'm going to be swimming in wool :-)

I got my glasses back today. Still weird looking through them, but I think it's the shape of the lens and how small they are next to my other ones. I still don't like them, but at least I don't have the strange distortion that I had before from whatever was on the lens. They said it was something inside the lens. At least I wasn't nuts. (well......) On that note - have a great weekend!

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