Saturday, August 06, 2005

Taking A Small Breather Before Bed

I put in another full day of stitching while the kids went with DH to my brother's house. It is amazing how much more gets done when they're not at home! Now that I'm getting close to getting finished, I'm very anxious to get it done and out of here. I'm longing to get back to my knitting. The moebius is calling to me from it's basket - whispering sweet seductive nothings and making me want to reach out and put a few stitches in. I can't do that though, as I know I won't be able to stop! LOL

My goal is to have the model done and down to the framer's on Tuesday. I still have to wash and press it first, then off it goes. The design isn't terribly huge - about 7" x 9", but has a lot of solid stitching on it - a good 3/4ths of it (at least). I'm working on the backstitching now, and it's coming alive. Such a neat design! I can't wait to share it.

The cool part for me is, when I take it to the framer's, I'll also be able to see the other pieces Sue sent to have done (at least I hope Maeann will let me!!). I also figured while I'm there, I'd take one of my pieces down to get an estimate on how much it'll run me to get done. I did a Camaro for my brother a couple of years ago, but never got it framed. I want to get it done this year so I can give it to him for Christmas. This was one piece that was a labor of love - since cars aren't my thing, but I was very, very pleased with the results when it was finished! I am anxious to have it framed. This will be the first piece I've ever had done professionally - so maybe you can understand the excitement :-)

Well, the clock continues to tick, and I've finally wound down and relaxed. It's off to bed for me, to be back up in a few hours and start stitching again. I'm so looking forward to getting the model off the bars and on to another project.

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