Friday, September 30, 2005

Two Socks Down, Two to Go

This week had me down on my back in bed, so I took advantage of it by knitting. I'll say that it was a godsend - keeping me sane. I hate staying in bed, so it kept the boredom from creeping in. I finished the first of DH's socks and he loves it! He is still blown away by the fact that wool really doesn't itch. I remember when I made his first pair, he flat out refused to put them on next to bare skin. LOL!! This sock went on with no hesitation and he kept commenting on how much he liked it and how good it felt. This is a good thing, but at the same time, not great, because it makes me that much further from knitting my own socks!

I did enjoy doing the different color heel and toe plus DH thought they were "Cool". Another first has been recorded for me! (actually 2 firsts - DH really seemed to like them! LOL) He's not so sure about the heel I used - I did a "boot" type heel - the sl 1, k1 on right side, sl 1 p across on the wrong side. It made a very cushy heel that I think will wear much better in his hunting boots.

While down, I also worked on a pair of CIC socks. I finished the first one, and have cast on the second one. I took them along with me yesterday when I took the kids to their classes, and my friend, Dawn stopped by to chat while we were waiting for the kids, and she was really amazed and impressed with the socks. I'm hoping to recruit her to become a sock knitter. I warned her once she gets bitten by the bug, there's no turning back!

I'm using the Fiber Gypsy's "Custom Fit Socks" pattern and Regia wool. I love the colorway - it's so bright and cheerful. I hope the little tots that wear these will like them as much as I do. DD came into the room when I started them and asked who they were for - sound very disappointed when she found out she wasn't getting them. She loves the colors as well. I guess I'll have to order some for her someday. :-)

An update on my Sampler Scarf - it's just so much fun to work on, but certainly not looking very impressive. If you view it - you must promise not to laugh - do you swear? :-) Yah, I'm sure you'll be able to pick out a mistake or 10, but it's a learning piece, and I'm also learning how to pick up different types of stitches when I rip or even tinking back, there's been a few challenges. Who knew that it would be so difficult to undo some things?! I am really loving the learning process, though. I think it will look ok when it has been washed and blocked. (well, ok enough for me to wear, anyhow - I hope!)

I've started my 4th pattern and I can see a change in my knitting. I'm sure that the choice of yarn may have been a bit of a hinderance (hey - gotta blame something here!) but it's what I had on hand at the time. All in all, I'm pleased - because I see myself getting better as I go..

Maybe, one day, I'll be good enough to make a lace shawl!

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