Why is it that all the dishcloths seem to die at the same time? I have to do a few to replenish the supply. I went to get my knitting needles out, and found that I had put a half-knitted cloth in to finish. I had totally forgotten about it! Well, I finished that one, and found a pattern for a Darrell Waltrip Dishcloth. While looking for a something for Valentine's Day, I came across a set for both a towel and dishcloth called Piece of My Heart. I found red in my cotton stash, so I just had to start that one. I am ready to start my third pattern repeat. It's an easy stitch and is turning out nicely. (sorry - no picture of that one yet.)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Why is it that all the dishcloths seem to die at the same time? I have to do a few to replenish the supply. I went to get my knitting needles out, and found that I had put a half-knitted cloth in to finish. I had totally forgotten about it! Well, I finished that one, and found a pattern for a Darrell Waltrip Dishcloth. While looking for a something for Valentine's Day, I came across a set for both a towel and dishcloth called Piece of My Heart. I found red in my cotton stash, so I just had to start that one. I am ready to start my third pattern repeat. It's an easy stitch and is turning out nicely. (sorry - no picture of that one yet.)
Monday, January 29, 2007
Temps are in the single digits and we've been having snow on and off over the last few days (finally!!). I've finally gotten in the mood to really work on winter things. It's a shame that the snow took so long, though, as winter seems like it should be ending instead of beginning.
I've really been in the mood to stitch, so the snowman is showing some improvement. Seven of the letters are done, and I'm seeing this piece finished by the end of the week.

Now, if only I could stay up at night. By 9:00pm I'm ready to crash. Just think how much I could do if I could stay awake! :D
Saturday, January 27, 2007

I put my last stitches in Appleseeds last night. He turned out nicely, but I wish I had stitched it on an evenweave or linen. It would have looked so much nicer. However, when I started it (back in 2004!!) the aida was what I had on hand at the time. Please forgive the creases, as I scanned him as soon as he came off the q-snaps.
My next focus project is Hillside Samplings Letter Snow, Letter Snow, Letter Snow. It is being stitched on Blue Wing linen. I had to look back at my update pictures and found that I had started it back in 2002. Why don't I remember it being that long ago?!! I know I had put it away as I got so bored stitching the snowman. This was an easy project to ignore (obviously!). I'm hoping in a few days he will be finished.

I don't have any real update on The Baby. I've been a little under the weather and so tired at night that I've been going to bed early. I really am wanting to get back to stitching it. I can't do it in the daytime, the stretcher bars are just too big to do with other active bodies around. Oh how I wish I had my own stitching room!! We have about 1000 square feet, so it doesn't allow for much room for my stash. I want a BIG old Victorian home with 5 bedrooms!! :)
Monday, January 22, 2007

Saturday's mail brought the really wonderful and anticipated "surprise"!!! It was a package from The Cross Stitch Gallery and inside held "The Baby" by Harrison Fisher. I opened the package as carefully as possible, and just sat and drooled over the 16 page pattern for most of the afternoon. I still couldn't believe that I was fortunate enough to have this beautiful pattern in my hands. I know I had decided that I wouldn't start anything major until I cut my WIP's down, but this one is special. I figured if I had a fabric in my stash that was large enough, I would throw that promise to the wind. Sure enough, I found a lovely 32 ct. piece of white Jobelan. I pulled the colors and they are so soft and beautiful!! How could I resist now?!! Saturday night after the children went to bed, I put my first stitches in. This will be my night piece - to stitch to unwind and relax.
With such a large project in the works, I'm not going to have a lot of time to stitch other things. I usually have an hour or so in the afternoon that I can relax and stitch before getting dinner started. I'm going to use that time to work on my WIP list and get as many finished as possible this year. I'm still going to work on my 50 project challenge, but now it's going to take a lot longer. Will I be able to hold out that long? I read one person would be doing the challenge, but wouldn't deprive herself of stash, but use it as a reward for goals set and knocking down her WIP list. Interesting.... :)

Last, but not least, I completed SanMan Original's "Sunflower Blackwork. It was an enjoyable stitch, but I did struggle some with the fabric. It's definately one that you need good light and an uplight or something white on your lap while you stitch. I'm pleased with how it turned out. It still needs a charm in the center, but I'm not sure that I will add one. This one is whispering to be turned into a biscornu.
Friday, January 19, 2007

I was also the lucky winner of a drawing on the SanMan boards, so I thought I'd start that chart since it's not very big. It's called Sunflower Blackwork by SanMan Originals. I'm stitching it on 14ct. black Damask using a test color silk from Victoria Clayton in varigated yellows.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
There's a lot to be said about not being able to sleep. Although one can be tired in the morning, it's good for the stitching progress. :) I'm really enjoying seeing this piece take shape, but the 1/4 stitches are difficult on this aida. This one is woven tighter and stiffer than most I've used, so even with a nice sharp needle, it's slow going. Now I remember why this project was put aside.
As of right now, I don't care for the top of the apple. The green seems just a bit too straight across, but maybe it will look better with the outlining and the apple done. I've been surprised with things before, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

Monday, January 15, 2007
I put my last stitches in the Cherub this morning. Here he is, fresh off the q-snaps:
This makes finish #3 - only 47 more to go. I enjoyed this piece, but it really took longer than I thought it would. There's a lot of detail that I hadn't noticed. I guess because it is a freebie, that I expected it to be a shadow of her "real" pieces. Not so! This is really a nice quality piece. A very nice surprise to me.
New focus piece
Now, on to my next piece. This is a House-Mouse pattern called "Appleseeds". I had put it aside to work on a model, and just haven't touched it since then. It is being stitched on 14 count ecru aida, and with all the 1/4 stitches, it is a bit of a challenge getting the needle through the fabric. I can say I'm not fond of doing fractional stitches on aida (understatement of the year!)

Friday, January 12, 2007
Cherub is soon to be finished. I'm almost done with the background now, then have the border, some backstitching, the bow & arrows, and that's it.

I love this design, but there's something about the back wing that bothers me. It doesn't seem right. Ah well - It'll be done and soon turned into a Valentine's flatfold. I need to get to the fabric store and get some fabric and cording. This will be my first flatfold, so I'm not expecting much. I'll be thrilled if it resembles what it is supposed to. :D However, I still need to get this cherub finished, so I'm a bit ahead of myself.
And now for some fun....
I saw this on WhizGidget's blog, so I just had to take the quiz.
You are The High Priestess
Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.
The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007
I did get a nice long night to stitch on Saturday as DH fell asleep on the couch, so the TV was mine!!! Ahhhhh - there's nothing better than being Queen of the Remote and stitching until you just can't focus any longer. With the long night, here's where the cherub is now:

I'm really looking forward to getting more done tonight. I'm loving how the cherub turning out.
I had a wonderful surprise today. I ordered 3 hanks of Vikki Clayton silks before the end of the year, and during the process, I lost the server. I didn't think it went through. I got an email on Saturday that the order was shipped, and it's already here today!!! I don't know what the colors are, as these are just 3 grab-bag hanks of her test-dyes. They are so lovely - and the scan doesn't do them justice. The yellow is a varigated yellow and the burnt-orange one is a solid.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do with them. I want to do DD's Blackwork Princess but not sure if I should use the brown or the burnt orange. I think the yellow would look nice for SanMan's Blackwork Sunflower - maybe done on black. Hmmmm.... What would you do with them?
Friday, January 05, 2007
I really need to get out of the mindset of rotating for a while. I did the black on the cherub, and wanted to go onto something else. Can I claim Adult ADD? ;) What I found even harder was not starting something new. I have a list of things I want to stitch, but am not going to start anything until I wipe out some of my WIP's. I really have to do that, since my stitching projects have gotten out of control.
How did it happen? Really quite innocently. I would be stitching away on something, then a model would come through that needed stitched or a present for someone needed done, and I'd put that piece aside and work on the obligatory piece. When I was finished, I'd get stash as payment or a gift or I'd just not feel like going back to the original piece, and move on and start another one. This would start over and over, and that's how I ended up with so many. The problem now is, it's hard to focus on one piece and an obligation piece is just as difficult, because I want to lay that aside for something more fun. This has become a really bad habbit, and something I'm breaking now. Does anyone else struggle with this?
Sitting down yesterday with my Cherub was hard. I didn't want to stitch it and wanted to move on. However, after forcing myself to pick the needle up, I really got into it, and didn't get to bed until late last night. Here's my progress as of midnight last night:

Today, I'm actually looking forward to putting more stitches in this little guy!!! :)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
I'm afraid to open my closet any more. I swear, I keep finding WIP's that I started and have forgotten about!!! How could I have forgotten about them? Hmmmmmm??? The 50 project challenge was a good thing to have signed up for, because I don't NEED any more stash at all. I think at this point, if I were never to buy a pattern again, I'd have enough to last me into my next lifetime. So why do I still want more? And when I start a new piece, why can't I finish it before moving on to another one? All my blame lies on the internet. Before finding stitching groups and online shops, I was happy with getting things when I wanted to stitch them. But finding the boards made me know that it was ok to stock up on patterns and fabrics because many of them are discontinued and I won't be able to get them. Oh, what a tragedy that would be!! :)

I'm going to attempt working on this one until it's finished. I will not get bored. I will not wander even when I want to. I will continue until it is finished....
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I came across this one yesterday while I was going through my freebie designs. I forgot I had started it last year and found it folded up in between my patterns. Wonder what else I'm going to find while organizing my stash!!
With that all being said, I have a quick finish to post. This is a freebie called "Sunflower Welcome" and is designed by the sunflower seed (yes - lower case is correct)

Only 48 more to go!!!
Monday, January 01, 2007

Wishing everyone a fantastic new year filled with the love of family, friends, and much good health and fortune.