Monday, January 08, 2007

Weekend Stitching

I did get a nice long night to stitch on Saturday as DH fell asleep on the couch, so the TV was mine!!! Ahhhhh - there's nothing better than being Queen of the Remote and stitching until you just can't focus any longer. With the long night, here's where the cherub is now:

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I'm really looking forward to getting more done tonight. I'm loving how the cherub turning out.

I had a wonderful surprise today. I ordered 3 hanks of Vikki Clayton silks before the end of the year, and during the process, I lost the server. I didn't think it went through. I got an email on Saturday that the order was shipped, and it's already here today!!! I don't know what the colors are, as these are just 3 grab-bag hanks of her test-dyes. They are so lovely - and the scan doesn't do them justice. The yellow is a varigated yellow and the burnt-orange one is a solid.

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Now I'm trying to decide what to do with them. I want to do DD's Blackwork Princess but not sure if I should use the brown or the burnt orange. I think the yellow would look nice for SanMan's Blackwork Sunflower - maybe done on black. Hmmmm.... What would you do with them?

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