Friday, January 19, 2007

Mouse Update & Sunflower Start

House-Mouse is looking like a mouse!! And he has half of a half eaten apple now! I spent most of my time back-stitching instead of waiting until the end. It certainly has brought the little guy to life.

I was also the lucky winner of a drawing on the SanMan boards, so I thought I'd start that chart since it's not very big. It's called Sunflower Blackwork by SanMan Originals. I'm stitching it on 14ct. black Damask using a test color silk from Victoria Clayton in varigated yellows.

The Damask is a beautiful and soft fabric, but the sheen makes is very difficult to stitch on. I need good light, so will only be stitching on this stuff on a sunny day. Even with a white fabric under it, it's still hard to see the holes. One thing I noticed is there are a few holes, and not one major one, so it makes it even more difficult trying to find the right hole. However, I am very, very pleased with the result.

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