Sunday, February 25, 2007

Trying New Things

It has been a fun weekend full of new things for me. I finally finished the I-cord for my felted bag, made a little crochet cord for a closure and then felted it yesterday. It felt soooo wrong putting that bag in the washer and using hot water and agitating it. I spend all my time being gentle with my wool items when washing, and doing this made me feel so naughty. grin

It took three runs through the washer, but it is done and I'm so pleased. Currently, it is drying and then I'll be putting the grommets in and finishing it up. I want to use it on Thursday. The kids have a class and then a 4-H meeting to attend, so I'll be out for the day. I'll be putting it to the test and see if it's really what I wanted. I have thought about lining it, but I don't have the fabric for it yet.

Sadly, one of the yarns I had purchased from a yarn store that was closing, had a few short pieces tucked around the ball. I was told it was the same yarn from another ball, so I used it on the purse. One of those short pieces wasn't the same and it didn't felt at all. I had to try to do a fix on it, but I'm not happy with the fix. I should try felting the area that I fixed, but it will have to wait. I'll try a spot felting on it. Ah well, it won't make the purse work any differently. At least it's near the bottom :)

My daughter has been after me to make her some fingerless mitts, so I had decided to try Robbyn's Valentine Mitts, but DD liked her "Someone-Stole-the-Fingers-from-my-Gloves" Gloves even better. I printed out the directions for them, and we went looking through my small stash of wool, only to discover I didn't have the color she wanted. She wanted a nice bright red, but I had nothing like that here. I did have a lot of Lion's Brand Fisherman's wool, so we decided to use Robbyn's method of Kool-Aid dying in a crock pot and make our own red wool. Six packs of cherry Kool-Aid and a few hours later, we had the most gorgeous red color yarn!!! Now it needs to dry, and then I'll be casting on. Mega Kudos to Robbyn!!

One last new thing for me - I found knitting podcasts!! Way cool. If you haven't already, you must have a listen to Lime & Violet. Those two are such a hoot. Before you listen, freeze your credit card, because I know they will tempt you to buy more yarn. The luscious colors and wools they find - oh it should be illegal!! I'm inspired to try some new things just by listening and following their program notes. The other podcast that I found interesting is called Math4Knitters Laura's program really makes you think, and makes knitting even more interesting. It will surely get your creative juices flowing. I'm sure you won't be able to resist trying some of the subjects she talks about.

Sorry no pics tonight - I need to charge the batteries. Pics will be posted with my next update.

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