Sunday, December 07, 2003

I received my first request to send out an angel for Angels for Hope today. I'll have it done tomorrow and in the mail by Tuesday. I've also got a package of preemie hats that needs packed and sent. Hopefully, I'll have that out on Tuesday also.

DS and DH are still at my brothers. We'll be picking them up tomorrow. DD doesn't want to, though. She says she's been having so much fun with just "us" here. We've been watching movies, eating popcorn, playing games, and all that great one-on-one stuff we normally don't get to do. I think I'm having as much fun as she is :-)

I unknitted the seam on the LB Hooded Sweater and knitted it correctly this time. I'm knitting the sleeves now - both at the same time. They always seem to go so much faster when I do them together, than when I do one at a time. Nothing else much to report. I spent most of the time today "playing" with DD, since it's our last day alone without the guys. I don't know who is more disappointed that this is coming to an end - her or me!

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