Monday, December 01, 2003

No venison for my freezer - yet. With the price of beef going up, I'd welcome a deer or two.

I'm going on a yarn diet - actually I think a stash diet. I've got enough in my stash to keep my busy for a while. I need to start whittling that down some. I look at it all and feel guilty. I certainly don't want to put myself in the same trap as I did with my cross stitch obsession. I was a professional cross stitcher for the last 15 years, doing models for designers and shops, and my excuse for buying it all was I needed to be familiar with the newest stuff. HA! (liar, liar, pants on fire!!) Now I'm slowly destashing, as there is no way I'll ever be able to make everything in 5 lifetimes! I'm finding that it's difficult to get rid of my stash, though. It's like I have a personal attatchment to them, but too much stuff makes it difficult to keep a clean house. I really need to downsize. And not just a little.....

The boxes are coming in for the St. Anthony's Center. I've got a bunch in the middle of the living room ready to get taken down. The members of AC4C are doing a wonderful job at sending things! The kids are having a great time helping catalog everything that is coming in, and they are anxious to go to the Center to take the things in. I hope that they will continue to help those that need it after they grow up and leave home. We are talking about getting more involved at the center - doing some volunteer work, but am not sure if the kids are too young, though. Besides, it will have to wait until we get our other vehicle fixed and back on the road. DH had an argument with a deer a bit ago, and disabled our van. I really haven't missed the second vehicle, but there are times it's nice to have.

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here. I'm finishing up on my list. Most of the things are handmade for family. We still need to bake and wrap things for those bachelors on our list. They love getting cookies, candy and other things they don't take the time to make for themselves. I have one cousin that lives totally on take-out. And a SIL that can't cook or at least won't.

I'm working on preemie hats right now - found the cutest pattern for one that gives many options on how to crochet it. They work up so quickly and are just adorable. I did 3 preemie hats up today. I also made an angel and 3 butterflies for Angels for Hope and it appears that they all have homes already.

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