Sunday, November 16, 2003

Boy - was eBay a baaaad place for me to hang out at today!!! I found some great bargains and actually won some of them :-) I've been looking for the Mon Tricot Knitting Dictionary for a while now, and every time I've seen it, it's been a bit more than I wanted to pay. Waiting has paid off! Another exciting win was the Knit Kit. I had purchased one like this years ago for my mother, and I wanted to get one for me, but haven't been able to find it. That is, until today!! I also won 3 books from the same seller: Designer Knitting by Nina Shuttlewood & Janet Biggs, Exclusively Yours by Frances Kennett, and Gift Knits by Chris Rankin. I have no idea what these books are like, but at $1 each, I figured I must be able to find at least one thing I can make out of each of them. And last but not least, I won a lot of 40+ patterns that included a couple of patterns from Michele Wyman. I don't know what all is coming, but my price for the whole lot, including shipping and the MO was less than the cost of one of her patterns!

I got confirmation back from Suzanne from the former Wanderings, and I got all the Polar Lopi I ordered from her. I'll be using some of that for the What's In My Pocket Vests we are doing as a KAL for CIC.

I enjoy making things for charities, but there are so many out there, one can wear thin. I've got 3 boxes of hats, mittens and toys,etc. for out local shelter. I'm the contact person for there, and I get donations from time to time for it. I just received a box of hats from a woman's church group. What a wonderful job they did!!! I'm hoping to get this all to the center soon.

I now have 3 pairs of socks going. DH's is going to take a while. The Kroy 3-ply I'm using is THIN and seems to take forever to see any progress. I worked on that tonight. Tomorrow, I'm planning on working on the Weekend Sweater since football is on. I won't have to worry about DH talking to me while I'm counting :-) Then back to the Lion Brand hooded sweater. I've gotten spoiled with knitting in the round, and now I don't want to work on it, as it's flat knitting. I just need to get over the hump and back to it, and I'll be ok. It won't take very long to get it all done, but I really hate sewing up seams. One of these days I'm going to take a class on finishing.

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