Thursday, November 06, 2003

What a dark and dreary day!! No rain, but it was so cloudy that everyone drove by with their lights on. Honestly, it looked about like it was heading towards dusk all day long. The air has a real chill and the weather report says that tonight will be the coldest in 7 months. Winter is coming.....

Guess I won't be done any too soon on the 3-Cornered Shawl!! I'm a little unsure about the directions. EZ leaves so much room for interpretation and change, that I'm always a bit apprehensive that I'm doing something wrong. Much different than being the blind follower!! It was easier then... LOL

I really do like working on the shawl, and I've decided to just add a couple of strips of lace instead of adding it through the whole shawl. The lace is around the bottom edge for some decoration, and then I'll just do the rest as solid for warmth. Guess this shawl will be finished none too soon.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get my package from Schoolhouse Press. I'm dying to get my fat little fingers on that video. I'm planning on a week of working on the Dubbelmossa. Can't wait!!!!

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